
yù zhuó
  • jade bracelet
  1. 这件玉镯确实是非常贵重的物品。

    This jade bracelet is really an invaluable to article .

  2. 一只小玉镯和一张穿着破旧红色毛衣的圆脸女孩的照片就是我全部的记忆。

    A tiny jade bracelet and a photograph of an inexplicably circular face on top of a torn red sweater make up my memory album .

  3. 她抹了些润滑油把玉镯从手腕上褪了下来。

    She uses some grease to take the jade bracelet off her wrist .

  4. 他有没有拿走上个礼拜我给你的玉镯子和玛瑙项链?

    Did he take away the jade bracelets and agate necklace I gave you last week ?

  5. 我试戴了几个绿色的,最后盯上了一个白色的、有褐色斑点的玉镯。

    I tried on a few green ones and then spied a white one with a few brownish patches .

  6. 光洁的手腕佩上一只玲珑剔透的可爱的玉镯,更添女性的温柔妩媚!洞顶有天窗,从天窗朝里望,洞内玲珑剔透,千奇百怪;

    Bright and clean finesse carries previous only exquisitely carved lovable jade bracelet , mildness have more a female more is charming ! At the top of the cave is a natural " sky-light " through which one can see a beautiful array of interesting-looking rocks below .