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  • 网络Jade ore;nephrite
  1. 该区地层为下元古界桃湾群(Pt1t),玉矿赋存于浅海相泥质碳酸盐岩及钙质泥岩,局部夹中基性火山岩的桃湾组中。

    The quality of the two jades was also appraised in the paper . The stratum of the area is proterozoic , Tao wan group ( Pt1t ) .

  2. 吴地早期玉器与梅岭玉矿的关系

    The relation between the early jade in Wu area and Meiling jade

  3. 辽宁岫岩软玉砂矿(又称河磨玉矿)是原生软玉矿的次生砂矿床。

    Liaoning Xiuyan Nephrite Placer Deposit ( XNPD ) is a secondary deposit of primary nephrite ore.

  4. 春川市是著名的玉矿产地,为汉城提供主要的水源。

    Chuncheon is famous for it 's Jade mine and is the main water source for Seoul .

  5. 在昆仑山北麓,凡上游有玉矿,中下游就可找到子玉。

    At northern foot on the mountain of the kunlun , all there are jade ores in the upper reaches , the midstream and downstream can find the sub jade .

  6. 矿物颗粒极细,质地细腻,硬度为7.比重3.2~3.4。研究后认为回龙玉矿是在高温低压的环境下,迅速冷凝后形成的特殊矽卡岩型矿床。

    Its grains are very fine with hardness of 7 , specific weight of 3.4.It is concluded that the jade deposit is a special skarn type deposit formed in a quick cooling evironment of high temperature and low pressure .