
guó bīn
  • state guest
国宾 [guó bīn]
  • (1) [state guest]

  • (2) 一国的老臣。或指来朝的诸侯、来聘的卿大夫

  • 筵国宾于牖前。--《周礼.春官.司几筵》

  • (3) 新王朝对旧王朝后代的尊称

  • 昔武王克 商,封 夏后氏之后于 杞,封 殷氏之后 宋,若今 周后 介公。--《唐律疏议.名例》

  • (4) 接受本国政府邀请前来访问的外国元首或政府首脑

国宾[guó bīn]
  1. 据说,国宾大红袍(StateGuestDaHungPao)的优雅香气极为持久,早晨喝上一杯,第二天早晨都还有回味。

    The fragrance of State Guest Da Hung Pao tea is said to be so long-lasting that if you drink a glass one morning , the delicate perfume will still be detectable about you the morning after .

  2. 辽宁友谊宾馆国宾会所空调设计

    Air conditioning system design for Liaoning Friendship State Guest Chamber

  3. 国宾大饭店是洛杉矶的地标性建筑之一。

    The Ambassador Hotel is a Los Angeles landmark .

  4. 然后在国宾厅介绍甘迪议员出场。

    Then you 're introducing Senator Kennedy in the Embassy ballroom .

  5. 本公司在国宾饭店附近的一栋大楼里。

    Our company is in a building near the Ambassador Hotel .

  6. 我的意思是,您那儿离国宾大饭店远吗?

    I mean , is it far from the Ambassador Hotel ?

  7. 晚上好,先生。欢迎光临国宾大饭店。

    Good evening , sir . Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel .

  8. 我现在住在国宾大饭店。

    A : I am at the Ambassador Hotel right now .

  9. 钓鱼台国宾酒选用陈年窖藏酒调酿,为宴请和馈赠宾客之佳品。

    ' Diaoyutai Ambassador'is an exquisite choice for the distinguish banquet and gift .

  10. 我今天早上在国宾戏院和几个黄牛打架。

    I had a fight with some scalpers at the ambassador theater this morning .

  11. 这样一来,国宾大红袍就吸收了更多的矿物质,滋味也更加丰富。

    As such , they absorb additional minerals and take on more complex flavor profiles .

  12. 在白宫举行的欢迎国宾的仪式是简朴而给人印象深刻的。

    The arrival ceremony for State guests at the White House is simple and impressive .

  13. 宴会菜走出国宴等局限,走入寻常百姓,用平民的价格邀请您尊享国宾待遇。

    In Yeohwa Resort , you are going to enjoy the state VIP privilege with our banquet dishes at civilian price .

  14. 吉尔和托比应邀到总统府作客,并乘国宾轿车游览市容。

    Jill and Toby were guests at the President 's Palace and were driven around the city in a state limousine .

  15. 北京国际信息产业基地利用首都北京丰富的高端资源,创立了国宾企业家俱乐部和国宾金融家俱乐部。

    Taking advantage of the abundant high-end resources in Beijing , BIIIB has created the State-Guest Entrepreneurs Club and State-Guest Financiers Club .

  16. 政府认证:国宾大红袍的包装上都有福建省政府的官方戳记,产地不会有问题。

    Certified : The State Guest Da Hung Pao packaging bears an official seal from the Fujian municipal government verifying its origin .

  17. 李宏先生已是从国宾酒店管理团队中提拔的第二名总经理并被派往新的国宾友谊旗下酒店。

    Li is the second Presidential Plaza Hotel manager to be promoted to General Manager and reassigned to one of SGF 's new hotels .

  18. 我们聘请国家礼宾车队的教官对所有司机进行专项培训,让您享受到国宾级待遇。

    We employ teams of instructors National Protocol for all drivers to carry out special training , allows you to enjoy the Ambassador-class treatment .

  19. 国宾大红袍更是大红袍当中的绝品,不仅芬芳四溢,酸涩之味也不像其它大红袍茶叶那么强烈。

    The State Guest Da Hung Pao in particular is not only strongly aromatic , it 's also less acidic and less bitter than other da hung .

  20. 位于国宾大道新华,上海影城旁,花园500平方,联体别墅,精装修,配置齐全,也可办公,停车方便,环境优雅!

    Guobing avenue in chinese , shanghai studios , 500 square garden , and a cottage , configuration , and the office , stop and elegant surroundings !

  21. 去年三月,在东北辽宁省大连市,因为男孩子逃学,李连生打死了他的14岁的儿子李国宾。

    In Dalian of Northeast Liaoning Province , Li Liansheng beat his14-year old son Li Guobin to death in March last year because the boy was playing truant .

  22. 因此,标准的饮茶礼节当中包含一个名为“洗茶”的程序,要求人们倒掉第一次冲泡的茶水,而在饮用国宾大红袍的时候,人们却可以省去这个程序。

    So while standard tea etiquette recommends dumping out the water of the first brew ─ to'cleans'the leaves ─ this is not necessary for the State Guest Da Hung Pao .

  23. 在首都北京,国宾友谊国际酒店管理公司有两家旗舰式酒店:国宾酒店和北京友谊宾馆。

    In China 's capital city of Beijing , SGF has its two flagship hotels , the State Guest Presidential Plaza Hotel and the Beijing Friendship Hotel ( Asia 's largest garden style hotel ) .

  24. 在东亚紧张局势升温之际,日本希望强调与美国紧密的双边关系,因此坚持以国宾之礼接待奥巴马,正式的接待程序通常需要三天。

    Hoping to emphasize strong bilateral ties at a time of rising tensions in East Asia , Japanese officials had insisted on hosting Mr. Obama as a state guest , a formal procedure that normally includes three days of events .

  25. 这名助理的主要职责是在指定区域完成高质量的清洁、布置以及宾客服务,这些区域包括皇室家族的私人房间,宾客套房,国宾公寓,衣帽间,皇室职员住处,楼梯和走廊。

    The assistants main duty will be high quality cleaning , presentation and guest care in the post holders designated area , consisting of the personal rooms of the Royal Family , their guests suites , State Apartments , cloakrooms , staff and office accommodation , staircases and corridors .