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fán mèn
  • Boredom;be unhappy;be worried;be comfortable;be getting knickers in a twist
烦闷 [fán mèn]
  • [be unhappy;be comfortable] 心里厌烦而郁闷;不畅快

烦闷[fán mèn]
  1. 她渴望有什么事情能排解她日常生活中的烦闷。

    She longed for something to relieve the tedium of everyday life .

  2. 人生很短,不能整天坐在那儿自寻烦闷。

    Life 's too short to sit around moping .

  3. 你干吗这样烦闷?

    Why are you so worried ?

  4. 他一上午都没说话,心里一定很烦闷。

    There must be something on his mind , he 's been so quiet the whole morning .

  5. 雨下个不停,真叫人烦闷。

    When will the rain ever stop ? how depressing !

  6. 每个人都看起来悲伤和烦闷。

    Everyone seems sad and bored .

  7. 这种悠闲的乡村生活过了差不多七个月之后,迈克尔开始感到烦闷。

    It was nearly seven months of leisurely rustic living before Michael felt real boredom .

  8. 经过超过一小时的烦闷的演讲,那个愚昧的演讲者还等着观众的掌声。

    After his boring speech for over an hour , fatuous speaker waited for applause from the audience .

  9. 她不在我闷得慌。这儿的atlooseends意思是百无聊赖、烦闷不安。

    Sally is out of town for a few days and I 'm at loose ends until she gets back on Monday .

  10. 渡船或乘坐欧洲之星(eurostar)的费用和烦闷将成为历史。

    The expense and tedium of ferries or Eurostar would be a thing of the past .

  11. 伏尔泰(Voltaire)提出了具有先见之明的警告,他认为:“工作可以使我们免除三大害处:烦闷、纵欲、饥寒。”

    Voltaire offered a prescient caution , observing : " Work saves us from three great evils : boredom , vice and need . "

  12. 从我自己身上,我所观察到的烦闷的根源有下列一些。

    In myself I could observe the following sources of tedium .

  13. 意思是既不逃避烦闷也不与它作斗争。

    Which meant neither running away from discomfort nor fighting it .

  14. 那是一个夏天的晚上,炎热而烦闷。

    It was a summer day , hot and stuffy .

  15. 他从来也不懂什么叫烦闷无聊。

    The feeling of boredom is one of which he knows nothing .

  16. 我没有钢琴会感到烦闷。

    I don 't have a piano anymore , annoyingly .

  17. 烦闷时可否使用?效果如何?

    Can it be used during irritancy ? How is the effect ?

  18. 我在这里没有朋友,所以非常烦闷。

    I 've been really bored without any friends here .

  19. 格雷厄姆参军以逃脱烦闷的工作。

    Graham joined the army to get away from a boring job .

  20. 当你枯燥烦闷,读书能使你心情愉悦;

    When you are bored bored , reading makes you feel good ;

  21. 我悄悄地爬上床去,心里觉得非常烦闷。

    I slipped up to bed , feeling rather blue .

  22. 会出现缺氧、烦闷、恶心、呕吐等不良现象。

    Otherwise , human would have hypoxia , irritancy , nausea and emesis .

  23. 我坐在这烦闷的房间里。

    I 'm sitting here in my boring room .

  24. 一定忍受烦闷的能力对于幸福生活是必要的。

    A certain power of enduring boredom is essential to a happy life .

  25. 我为我自己犯下的错感到很烦闷。

    I 'm very annoyed at my own mistake .

  26. 在奥斯特里茨心情烦闷的那个人,在滑铁卢却是愉快的。

    The man who had been gloomy at Austerlitz was gay at Waterloo .

  27. 我从来不曾这样烦闷过!

    And indeed I am quite of your opinion .

  28. 他到处旅游以解烦闷。

    He traveled extensively to escape from boredom .

  29. 孩子们感到烦闷无聊,想去外面玩。

    The bored children wanted to play outside .

  30. 口袋一文不名,会使商人烦闷。

    A toom purse makes an oblate merchant .