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  • 网络cuticle color
  1. 治疗前后观察皮色、皮温、肿胀程度、坏疽范围、行走功能、疼痛程度以及血C反应蛋白(CRP)、血浆纤维蛋白原(Fib)等变化。

    The foot skin color , skin temperature , degree of tumefaction , rage of gangrene , ability of walking , degree of pain were observed and C-reactive protein ( CRP ), fibrinogen ( Fib ) in plasma were detected before and after the treatment respectively .

  2. 本文分析了中国野生大豆资源5279份百粒重、种皮色、泥膜、脐色等籽粒性状的多样性及其地理分布。发现:(1)81.1%材料的百粒重≤2.5g。

    Based on the variational analysis and its geographical distribution of seed characters for 5279 wild soybean samples in China , it was found that : 1 . 81.1 % of the total samples of the 100 seed weight was < 2.5g .

  3. 籽瓜瓜子皮色性状遗传研究

    A Study on Genetics of Seed Shell Color of Seed Watermelon

  4. 品种群Ⅲ皮色多为白色。顶芽色在品种群Ⅰ中有淡黄、黄和橘黄三色;

    White-yellow and yellow were the colors of Group II ;

  5. 获得了一批叶形、薯皮色等的突变体。

    The mutants of leaf shape and root skin color were obtained .

  6. 石榴皮色素理化性能的研究

    Study on the physicochemical properties of the Pomegranate pigment

  7. 3种不同皮色萝卜种质染色体核型分析

    Karyotype Analysis of Three Types of Radish Germplasms with Different Tap-root Skin Colors

  8. 黄瓜嫩果皮色与色素含量的关系

    Correlations of Immature Skin Color and Pigments in Cucumber

  9. 那些皮色黑白相间的大熊猫温顺可爱。

    Those white and black giant pandas are gentle and lovable , though .

  10. 洋葱皮色:一些红葡萄酒在氧化过程中所产生的浅茶色。

    Pale rose . Light tawny colour which some red wines acquire on oxidation .

  11. 皮色淡黄,很长的睫毛,眼神极好。

    My father had a thin , shallow face with long eye-lashes and kindly eyes .

  12. 皮色遗传表现为黄对褐为显性;

    The inheritance of skin color showed the green and yellow were dominant to the brown .

  13. 木豆石豆率与栽培地、种皮色及浸泡方法的相关性研究

    A Study on the Stiff Seed Ration of Pigeonpea Landrace of Yunnan with Different Coat Color

  14. 主要临床表现为病变区皮色改变、皮温增高伴搏动,听诊可闻及吹风样杂音;

    Clinical manifestations include skin discolorization with hyperthermia , pulsation and bruits of the involved area .

  15. 父本加性效应对皮色和薯形的遗传更为重要,选配组合时应着重考虑父本的遗传效应。

    Additive effect of male parent was more important to the heredity of skin color and tuber shape .

  16. 患者男,44岁。龟头冠状沟2行带状排列的皮色丘疹10年,大部分丘疹呈珍珠状,少数丘疹呈丝状疣样,长度>0.7cm。

    A male patient presented with 2 rows of asymptomatic papules along the coronal margin for 10 years .

  17. 淋巴水肿的病人通常没有很严重的疼痛,皮色和皮温一般也是正常的。

    Lymphedema patients usually do not have severe pain , and skin color and temperature are generally normal .

  18. 颈部呈弥漫性肿大,肿势逐渐增加,边缘不清,皮色如常,不痛。

    Growth of the diffuse swelling in the neck is painless , not circumscribed , and no skin discoloration .

  19. 青椒也称七花椒,皮色青褐,品质较差。

    Green peppers , also known as seven pepper , green brown skin color , the quality is poor .

  20. 小鼠皮色变化:拔毛后第1-4天内,小鼠皮肤呈粉红色;

    Mice skin color change : within the day 4 after depilation , the mice skin color showed pink ;

  21. 地下鳞茎分瓣,按皮色不同分为紫皮种和白皮种。

    Underground bulbs of the split , according to skin color , it can be split into purple and white kinds .

  22. 其中异硫氰酸酯、二甲基二硫醚、二甲基三硫醚是不同皮色肉质色萝卜共同的特征风味成分。

    Among them isothiocyanates , dimethyl disulfide , dimethyl sulfide are common flavor compounds in different skin and flesh color radish .

  23. 除元谋的淀粉含量为第三类以外,其余栽培地和种皮色的蛋白质及淀粉含量均为第二类。

    Except starch content of seed from Yuanmou place which is of the third class , others are of the second class .

  24. 聚类分析结果表明,品种间的亲缘关系与皮色、根型、耐热性和地域等因素有关。

    Cluster analysis showed that genetic relationship among cultivars was highly related to skin color , tap-root morphology , heat resistance and geographic distribution .

  25. 它以皮色的变化为基础,将火焰的质感动态地表现出来,展现了龙的雄霸之气与凤的富贵之气。

    This work display the vividness of flames based on the changes in nephrite color and also showcases the mighty dragon and honored phoenix .

  26. 刀法细腻,工艺精湛,将对皮色的雕刻和对玉质的保留处理恰到好处。

    This art is fine and exquisite in the way of cutting , advanced in workmanship and has perfect execution of engraving and processing of nephrite .

  27. 对基因型、种植季节、籽粒皮色和食用用途等不同类别的大豆籽粒进行磷组成成分分析。

    In this study , we compared the P composition contents in soybean seeds from different origins , planting seasons , colors of seed coat and food types .

  28. 头皮屑:头皮的一种皮肤疾病,是一种温和性的皮肤炎。那些皮色黑白相间的大熊猫温顺可爱。

    " Dandruff : Skin disorder of the scalp , a mild form of dermatitis " Those white and black giant pandas are gentle and lovable , though .

  29. 并精选上等蜂蜜作糖色,由特级烤鸭技师秘制而成,烤出后皮色金黄亮泽、诱人食欲。

    We also select the highest quality honey as the caramel colorant and cooked by our grandmaster and then come out the delicious roast duck with shining golden skin .

  30. 因为她母亲是个法兰西血统的海滨贵族。父亲是个皮色深浓的爱尔兰人,所以遗传给她的质地难免不调和。

    In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother , a Coast aristocrat of French de ¬ scent , and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father .