
pí biān
  • whip;kurbash;cowhide;leather-thonged whip;kourbash;courbash
皮鞭 [pí biān]
  • (1) [whip]∶原料皮或编条革制的粗鞭

  • (2) [leather-thonged whip]∶用皮条做成的鞭子

  • 怕挨他父亲的皮鞭的那个小孩

皮鞭[pí biān]
  1. 后面是辚辚滚动的炮车,赶车的用长长的皮鞭狠狠抽打着羸弱的骡子

    Cannon rolled past , the drivers flaying the thin mules with lengths of rawhide .

  2. 1954年,奥利以笔名波丽娜·雷阿日(PaulineRéage)发表了《O的故事》(StoryofO),这是一部以施虐受虐为主题的小说,充满皮鞭、手铐和锁链。

    Aury wrote " Story of O " ( 1954 ) , a sadomasochistic novel replete with whips , cuffs and chains , under the pseudonym Pauline R é age .

  3. (尤指旧时)用皮鞭抽打的惩罚

    ( esp formerly ) punishment by beating with a leather strap

  4. 我开始理解你的靴子和皮鞭了

    Startin ' to understand the boots and the whip .

  5. 我给我的马一皮鞭,声音响彻森林。

    I gave my horse a lash that sounded through the forest .

  6. 用来惩罚小孩的一种皮鞭。

    ( Scot ) a leather strap for punishing children .

  7. 亲眼看着自己的父亲被皮鞭抽打;

    Who saw their fathers being lashed with whips before their eyes ;

  8. 他手拿皮鞭,严加训练。

    With a whip in hand , he trained the monkeys strictly .

  9. 告诉我,这皮鞭对他有效吗?

    Tell me , is this whip effective against him ?

  10. 鞭打用皮鞭或笞鞭狠击。

    To beat severely with a whip or rod .

  11. 工头手拿皮鞭狠狠地抽他。

    With a whip in his hand the foreman violently laced into him .

  12. 皮鞭打得他直喘粗气。

    He gasped as the lash hit him .

  13. 壁炉角上,挂着一根皮鞭。

    In the chimney-corner a cat-o ' - nine-tails was hanging on a nail .

  14. 生皮制成的皮靴、皮鞭等。

    Rawhide boots , whips , etc.

  15. 不久我们的剑戟比起你的皮鞭就会更令他们恐惧。。

    It won 't be long before they fear my spears ... more than your whips .

  16. 克林特在西部题材的长篇电视连续剧《皮鞭》(1959)中第一次取得了突破。

    Clint got his first breakthrough with the long-running Western TV series Rawhide ( 1959 ) .

  17. 通过炼金术制作的皮鞭,比那些死人丢下的剑好用多了。

    A whip made with alchemy . it 's stronger than any dead man 's discarded sword .

  18. 为了免于羊儿失散,他们会不断地用皮鞭来驱赶落后的羊只,以避免它们过于落后;

    To avoid sheep missing , he urges lagging sheep with whip to keep sheep gather together .

  19. 莱:啊,那个呀。没错,这皮鞭现在不完整。

    Rinaldo : oh , that . it 's true ; the whip is not yet complete .

  20. 直至奴隶在皮鞭下流淌的鲜血用刀剑下的鲜血来偿清,

    and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword ,

  21. 马需要皮鞭,驴需要辔头,愚昧人的脊背需要棍棒。

    A whip for a horse , and a snaffle for an ass , and a rod for the back of fools .

  22. 他系着一条部落徽章,身穿彩绘背心,一把亚拉克弯刀佩戴在腰一侧,一条皮鞭在另一侧。

    He wore a medallion belt and painted vest , with an arakh on one hip and a whip on the other .

  23. 哥哥跪在地上,手指抠住皮鞭,呼吸困难,发出难以分辨的嘶喊。

    Her brother was on his knees , his fingers digging under the leather coils , crying incoherently , struggling for breath .

  24. 亚利桑得拉写道:俄国人喜欢感受皮鞭的抽打,这是他们的本性&慈爱施加后要有铁腕统治。

    " Russia loves to feel [ the ] whip ," Alexandra wrote , " it 's their nature & tender love then the iron hand " .

  25. 经济、政治或宗教迫害的皮鞭将可怜的被遗弃的难民逼到生活的边缘。

    The scores that drove them was economic , political , or religious oppression . Oppression has always strewn the shores of life with wretched human refuse .

  26. 我可以看见他的形骸,挣扎著想要超开警官手中的铁棍棒与皮鞭。

    I could trace out his skeleton with my eyes ; the skeleton that desperately tried to stay ahead of the metallic stick and whip that the officers carried .

  27. 一只被用铁链和一辆小自行车拴在一起的猴子,畏缩在墙边,惊恐地看着训猴人拿着皮鞭向它靠近。

    Still chained to the tiny bicycle he is being forced to ride , a monkey cowers by a wall , shuddering as his trainer approaches wielding a whip .

  28. 该组织声称孙东明的死亡并不是富士康工厂第一例自杀,其他工作人员也报告说遭受过“铁棍和皮鞭”的殴打。

    The organisation alleges Sun 's death was not the first suicide at a Foxconn factory and that other workers have reported being beaten with'iron bars and whips ' .

  29. 其中有棕色的军事装备,牛仔裤和T恤随便搭配的便装,带有皮鞭和邮差包的印第安纳?琼斯圣战士全套装扮。

    Options include a brown military outfit , a casual set with jeans and a t-shirt , a business suit , or an Indiana Jones get-up complete with a whip and messenger bag .

  30. 当我们宣扬这样的观念,说我们在儿时经受过的暴力,是和自己的成功存在直接关联的,我们等于在强化一种社会臆想:痛苦是示爱的途径,从而建立街头和皮鞭这种错误的一一对应关系。

    When we promulgate the notion that our success is directly measurable to the violence visited on our bodies as children , we reinforce a societal supposition that pain is an instrument of love , and establish a false binary between the streets and the strap .