
  • 网络Skin tension;Skin turgor
  1. 方法本文通过将大鼠造成外科创伤模型后,以蚕蛹复合氨基酸给药14天,观察动物一般情况、皮肤张力、创口皮肤羟脯氨酸含量、血清SOD、MDA、GSH-PX等指标。

    Methods The mode of rats were made by surgical operating . The rats ' condition , tensile force of skin , concentration of HYP in the wounded skin , SOD , MDA and GSH-PX were observed after feeding co-amino acids extracted from silkworm chrysalis for 14 days .

  2. 伊佐利斯(MenasKizoulis)说,大多数清洁产品都含有一种表面活性剂,它是一种有助于打破皮肤表面张力的化学或天然合成物。

    Most cleansing products have a surfactant , a chemical or natural compound that helps break through the surface tension of the skin .

  3. 在体皮肤的张力;

    Tension of skin in vivo .

  4. 网状减张小切口一期关闭皮肤高张力创口的探讨严肃或紧张减少的行为。

    Primary Closure of Severe Open Hypertension wound with Meshed Relaxation Incisions the action of lessening in severity or intensity .

  5. 方法首先在瘢痕及瘢痕周围行皮下脂肪膨胀抽吸术,以减小瘢痕切除后皮肤的张力,然后行瘢痕切除。结果:皮瓣全部成活,切口Ⅰ期愈合,随访时间1~40个月,面部形态满意;

    Method For purpose of reducing skin tension , liposuction was operated around scar firstly , after then the scars were cut . Results : All flaps survived with primary healing postoperatively . With a follow-up ranging from 1-40 months , scars were camouflaged into natural skin tension line .

  6. 认为:(1)本术缝合皮下脂防和皮肤时因张力小易对合,有利于伤口愈合;

    The results showed : ( 1 ) This method was favorable to wound healing because the tension induced by subcutaneous fat and skin was slight and it was easy to sew .

  7. 结果53例术后伤口愈合不良,中青年肥胖者占566%,皮肤挫伤严重者占170%,糖尿病患者占94%,皮肤有张力性过大者占113%。

    Results In 53 cases of skin healing defect , 56.6 % was the fat people under middle age , 17.0 % got serious contusion , 9.4 % had diabetes mellitus , 11.3 % got bad swelling and the skin tension was too tight .