
zhǒu nèi fān
  • cubitus varus
肘内翻[zhǒu nèi fān]
  1. 目的研究治疗儿童肘内翻畸形的手术方法。

    Objective To study desired operation method of treatment cubitus varus deformity in children .

  2. 预防肘内翻的关健是合理的复位与固定及早期正确的X线评价。

    The key to preventing cubitus varus is reasonable reduction and fixation and fixation and early exact x-ray appraisal .

  3. 桡倾、外旋是肘内翻的主要负相关因素(P<0.01)。

    Radial tilt and outward rotation are the main negative-correlation facfors ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  4. 目的:研究探讨改良French内固定术治疗肘内翻畸形的临床效果以及相关因素分析。

    Objective : By observing and analyzing the clinical effect for internal fixation with a modified French technique in cubitus varus deformity and the related analysis of this effect .

  5. 克氏针PDS张力带内固定治疗儿童肘内翻畸形

    Treatment of cubitus varus deformity in children using Kirschner wire and PDS tension band internal fixation

  6. 结论克氏针PDS张力带内固定是治疗儿童肘内翻是简便、有效的良好手术方法。

    Conclusions Kirschner wire and PDS tension band fixation is a simple and effective method to treat cubitus varus deformity in children .

  7. 方法采用肱骨髁上楔形截骨加克氏针PDS张力带内固定方法治疗23例儿童肘内翻畸形。

    Methods 23 cases of cubitus varus deformity in children were treated by supracondylar wedge-shaped osteotomy and Kirschner wire and PDS tension band fixation .

  8. 术中Baumann角在儿童肱骨髁上骨折术后肘内翻中的作用

    Effect of intraoperative Baumann 's angle and cubitus varus deformity after humeral supracondylar fracture of children

  9. Baumann角测量预测肱骨髁上骨折肘内翻的研究

    The measurement of baumann 's angle to predict the complicated cubitus varus in supracondylar fracture of the humerus

  10. 结论:Baumann角的测量对肘内翻的预防具有重要意义。

    Conclusion : The measurement of Baumann angle can play an important part in preventing of cubitus varus formation .

  11. 纸壳夹板外固定能够维持复位后的Baumann角,有效预防肘内翻的发生。

    The fixation made of cardboard and splint can maintain the reduction of fixed Baumann angle , and prevent the occurrence of cubitus varus effectively .

  12. 结果术后BA角(72.5±3.5)°,随访1年总优良率98%,无肘内翻畸形,无继发尺神经损伤。

    Results The Baumann angle was ( 72.5 ± 3.5 )° after operation . The excellent and good result was 98 % after one year . All patients were followed up for more than one year without cubitus varus and secondary injury of ulnar nerve .

  13. 根据评定标准:优良129例,差3例(1例严重肘内翻畸形,1例膝关节屈伸部分受限,1例术后2年余患肢增长12·5mm)。

    According to criterion of evaluation : 129 cases obtained excellent and good results , 3 poor ( 1 case had severe cubitus varus , 1 case had limited knee joint flexion-extension , 1 affected extremity grew 12.5 mm longer in 2 years after operation ) .

  14. 肱骨髁上楔形截骨钢板内固定治疗儿童肘内翻畸形

    Supracondylar wedged osteotomy with plate fixation for cubitus varus in child

  15. 上述措施可防止出现肘内翻或外翻畸形。

    These measures would prevent the cubitus varus or valgus deformity .

  16. 结果所有病例肘内翻畸形均获纠正,效果良好。

    Results The cubitus varus of all cases were corrected satisfactorily .

  17. 圆顶形截骨矫治肘内翻畸形

    Dome Osteotomy of the Humerus to Correct Cubitus Varus Deformity Shape Shadow

  18. 肱骨外髁骨折骨不连并肘内翻畸形的手术治疗

    Management of nonunion and cubitus varus after lateral condylar fracture of humerus

  19. 这种骨折最常见的后遗症为肘内翻畸形。

    Frequently happened sequela of this kind of fracture is elbow varus .

  20. 外侧闭合楔形截骨治疗成人肘内翻

    Treatment of cubitus varus deformity in adults with lateral closing wedge osteotomy

  21. 着重讨论了肘内翻畸形的发生机理、早期诊断及预防治疗。

    Early diagnosis , prevention and treatment of cubitus varus are discussed .

  22. 使用同种异体骨钉治疗儿童肘内翻畸形

    Application of bone nail allograft in correcting childrens cubitus varus

  23. 1/3管形钢板内固定治疗肘内翻畸形

    AO 1 / 3 tubular plate fixation in the treatment of elbow varus

  24. 小儿肘内翻畸形手术治疗23例

    Operative 23 Cases of Deformity of Children Cubitus Varus

  25. 儿童肘内翻畸形的手术治疗

    The Operation Treatment of Cubitus Varus Deformity in Children

  26. 目的建立缓发型肘内翻畸形动物模型。

    S OBJECTIVE : To construct an animal model of delayed cubitus varus .

  27. 改良截骨植骨低切迹内固定治疗肘内翻畸形

    Treatment of cubitus varus by modified osteotomy and bone transplantation and low-incisura internal fixation

  28. 早期手术矫形对儿童肱骨髁上骨折后肘内翻畸形的影响

    Effect on early osteotomy for childhood cubitus varus deformity after supracondylar fracture of humerus

  29. 针刺矫治骨折后肘内翻畸形的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Acupuncture for Correction and Treatment of Elbow Inversion Deformity after Fracture

  30. 儿童肱骨髁上骨折切开复位术后肘内翻畸形

    Cubitus Varus Deformity Following Open Reduction for Supracondylar Fracture of the Humerus in Children