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  1. C5和C6水平脊髓损伤的四肢瘫患者在伸肘活动中上肢和躯干的运动学分析

    Kinematic analysis of the upper limbs during elbow extension in C_5 and C_6 spinal cord injury patients

  2. C5和C6脊髓损伤患者与正常人在伸肘活动中上肢的角位移及角速度比较

    The angular displacement and angular velocity of the upper limb during elbow extension activities in spinal cord injury patients and normal individuals

  3. 术中Baumann角在儿童肱骨髁上骨折术后肘内翻中的作用

    Effect of intraoperative Baumann 's angle and cubitus varus deformity after humeral supracondylar fracture of children

  4. 目的研究C5和C6脊髓损伤(SCI)患者在伸肘活动中上肢的运动策略。

    Objective To study upper limb motor strategies during elbow extension activities in C5-6 spinal cord injury ( SCI ) patients and compare them with the strategies of normal individuals .

  5. 目的明确桡骨头在肘关节中的应力传导作用。

    Objective The role of the radial head in stress transmission to the elbow .

  6. 他俯身伸手探到前面的杂物箱中,前肘无意中擦过她的大腿。

    He leaned over and reached into the glove compartment , his forearm accidentally brushing across her lower thigh .

  7. 两名男子突然用肘在购物者中挤出一条路。

    Two men suddenly elbowed a passage through the shoppers .

  8. 目的探讨人体上肢肘关节运动中表面肌电信号(EMG)幅值及其功率谱的变化规律。

    Objective analyses the changes of Surface EMG and the EMG spectral of muscle activation in the upper arm during elbow joint movements .

  9. 颈内与肘静脉血中抗利尿激素和β-内啡肽含量的比较

    Comparison of Plasma ADH and β? EP Levels in the Internal Jugular Vein and Median Vein of the Elbow

  10. 肘关节僵硬治疗中尺神经的处理与预后

    Treatment and prognosis of the ulnar nerve in stiff elbow

  11. 艾德希兰因右手腕和左手肘在自行车事故中受伤,近一段时间都不会有演唱会。

    Ed Sheeran has confirmed he will not perform live for the foreseeable future after fracturing his right wrist and left elbow in a bike accident .

  12. 肘关节骨骺损伤中大多数合并有干骺端骨折(88.3%);髁上骨折肘内翻发生率低,而骨化性肌炎较常见。

    Most elbow epiphyseal injuries may be combined with metaphysis fracture ( 88.3 % ), the incidence of cubitus varus secondary to supracondylar fractures is low , while myositis ossificans is common .

  13. 肱肌的肌梭密高于肱二头肌,证实了深层肌的肌梭密度要高于浅层肌,提示在肘关节的运动中肱肌对关节的角度变化更加敏感。

    The average muscle spindle density of the middle of brachialis muscle belly was higher than biceps brachii , and that hinted brachialis was more sensitive than biceps brachii during the movement of elbow .

  14. 人工全肘关节置换在严重肘关节创伤中的初步应用

    Treatment of severe traumatic elbow s by total elbow arthroplasty

  15. 目的总结肘关节镜下手术在治疗肘关节疾患中的体会。

    Objective To summarize the understanding of arthroscopy surgery on elbow diseases .

  16. 带轴肘关节外固定支架在治疗复杂肘关节损伤中的应用

    Application of the Hinged External Fixator as Auxiliary Means in Treatment of Complex Injuries about the Elbow

  17. 目的:探讨肘关节内侧副韧各组成成分在肘关节稳定中的作用及手术治疗内侧副韧带损伤的临床效果。

    S Objective : To evalvate the role of ulnar collateral ligaments ( UCL ) in the stability of the elbow joint and the clinical effect of surgical operation .

  18. 目的:探讨新型自锁铰链型人工全肘关节置换假体在肿瘤、严重肘关节骨关节炎病人及肘关节毁损伤中的初步应用疗效,为此关节应用在临床的广泛开展提供可靠依据。

    Objective : To study curative effect of self-locked elbow prosthesis on elbow tumor , severe osteoarthritis and smashed elbow wound .

  19. [方法]对22例(28肘)类风湿性肘关节炎患者行半限制型全肘关节置换,Morrey分期:28肘中6肘为Ⅲ期,17肘为Ⅳ期,5肘为Ⅴ期。

    [ Method ] Eighteen semi-constrained total elbow replacements were performed on 22 rheumatoid patients with 28 elbows ( Morrey Stage : 6 of ⅲ Stage , 17 of ⅳ Stage , 5 of ⅴ Stage ) .

  20. 目的:通过肘伸直前臂旋后位固定方法以保持肘部肌力平衡,并探讨肘部肌力平衡在治疗儿童肱骨髁上骨折及防止肘内翻形成中的作用。

    Objective : To study the effects of muscle strength balance of elbow by using fixation method of elbow at straighten-supination position in the treatment of humeral supracondylar fracture in children and the prevention from cubitus varus .