  • elbow;ancon
  • 上臂与前臂相接处向外凸起的部分:胳膊~儿。掣~(捉住其肘,喻阻挠别人做事)。~子(a.肘;b.指食品的猪腿上半部)。


(上臂和前臂相接处向外面突起的部分) elbow:

  • 将双肘放在桌上

    rest one's elbows on the table;

  • 用肘轻撞某人

    jog sb. with one's elbow;

  • 用胳膊肘撑起身子

    raise oneself upon an elbow

  1. 她单肘撑起身子。

    She propped herself up on one elbow .

  2. 她用肘猛击他的胸部,挣脱了出来。

    She broke free by thrusting her elbow into his chest .

  3. 我把他的饮料放在他肘边的小桌子上。

    I placed his drink on the small table at his elbow .

  4. 两名男子突然用肘在购物者中挤出一条路。

    Two men suddenly elbowed a passage through the shoppers .

  5. 在某些国家人们站得很近,足以挨到臂肘。

    In some countries people stand close enough to touch elbows

  6. 马丁端详着玛丽安娜肘边的瓶子。

    Martin eyed the bottle at Marianne 's elbow .

  7. 他的双肘撑在满是油污的柜台上。

    He propped his elbows upon a greasy counter .

  8. 史密斯先生一肘撞在我脸上。

    Mr Smith elbowed me in the face

  9. 他的朋友睡着了,他用肘轻轻地捅了他一下。

    He gave his friend who had fallen asleep a nudge .

  10. 他用肘猛戳我的腰部。

    He jabbed his elbow into my side .

  11. 尺骨是组成肘关节的主要骨骼。

    The ulna forms the chief articulation at the elbow .

  12. 不要将两肘放在书桌上。

    Don 't lay your elbows on the desk .

  13. 那笨拙的工人把肘拐伸入窗子,把它弄破了。

    The clumsy workman put his elbow through the window and broke it .

  14. 他们在外衣肘上缝皮革使衣服更耐穿

    They reinforced a coat by sewing pieces of leather on the elbows .

  15. 请活动一下你的肘关节。

    Please try to move your elbow .

  16. 咳嗽和打喷嚏时,屈肘或者用纸巾遮掩口鼻:

    When coughing and sneezing , cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue .

  17. 如今,沉迷于用手机聊天的人面临一种新麻烦——手机肘。

    Now those who just can 't stop chatting into their handsets are facing a new menace - mobile phone elbow .

  18. C5和C6水平脊髓损伤的四肢瘫患者在伸肘活动中上肢和躯干的运动学分析

    Kinematic analysis of the upper limbs during elbow extension in C_5 and C_6 spinal cord injury patients

  19. 双曲肘注射机合模机构的CAD

    Clamping unit of double injecter CAD

  20. C5和C6脊髓损伤患者与正常人在伸肘活动中上肢的角位移及角速度比较

    The angular displacement and angular velocity of the upper limb during elbow extension activities in spinal cord injury patients and normal individuals

  21. 方法:利用P型迭代学习控制方法,对正常人和偏瘫患者上肢肘关节运动角度分别进行了运动反馈控制研究。

    Method : To use P type iterative learning control ( ILC ) on normal person and hemiplegic patient by upper extremity elbow joint movement angle feedback control .

  22. 目的探讨利用肘后正中切口并尺骨鹰嘴V形截骨入路治疗肱骨髁间骨折的效果。

    Objective To explore the clinical results of posterior ulna olecranon V-shape resection for the treatment of complex intercondylar fractures of the humerus .

  23. 手术前后采用Mayo肘关节评分标准。

    Preoperative and postoperative scoring was done by Mayo elbow-performance index .

  24. 克氏针PDS张力带内固定治疗儿童肘内翻畸形

    Treatment of cubitus varus deformity in children using Kirschner wire and PDS tension band internal fixation

  25. 均采用肘后正中纵形切口,骨折复位后用Y形钢板内固定,术后结合上肢CPM进行功能锻炼。

    All of the cases underwent open reduction and Y shaped plate internal fixation followed by CPM exercises .

  26. 方法对172名发病6小时内经头颅CT证实为脑干出血病人,抽取肘静脉血进行血液分析及测定凝血和纤溶参数,并与正常人群进行比较。

    Methods 172 patients admitted with 6 hours of onset of spontaneous brain stem hemorrhage were proved by CT , given blood analysis , tested parameters of coagulation and fibrinolysis , and compared with normal subjects .

  27. 对50例慢阻肺病、肺心病患者采肘静脉血测ACE活性。

    The ACE activity collect-ed from cubital venous blood was measured in 50 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-eases ( COPD ) and cor pulmonale .

  28. 结论第二产程急诊剖宫产子宫下段U形切口采用屈肘上托力娩头为最佳娩头方法。

    Conclusions The method of fetal head delivery with uterus " U " incision using bending elbow upward during emergency cesarean section in the second stage of labour was the best .

  29. 方法:经患者健侧上肢贵要静脉、肘正中静脉将PICC导管置入上腔静脉进行化疗。

    Methods : PICC catheter was inserted to superior vena cava through uninjured side basilic vein or median cubital vein for receving chemotherapy .

  30. 肘关节功能方面,包括肘关节屈曲、旋前、旋后功能方面,术后第14天开始至第6个月,置换组都明显优于切除组(P0.05)。

    Elbow function , including elbow flexion , pronation and supination function , until 14 days after the first 6 months , the replacement group were significantly better than the resection group ( P0.05 ) .