
  • 网络Lumbar Hyperosteogeny
  1. 从脾论治腰椎骨质增生症

    Differential Treatment of Lumbar Hyperosteogeny from the Viewpoint of the Spleen

  2. 挑刺阳性反应点治疗腰椎骨质增生38例

    Acupuncture positive reaction point treat lumbar vertebrae bone hyperplasia 38 cases

  3. 方法365例腰椎骨质增生患者随机分为2组。

    Methods 365 patients of infectious mononucleosis in children were randomly allocated to two groups .

  4. 结论:野木瓜注射液穴位注射治疗腰椎骨质增生有显著疗效。

    It showed that Point-injection with Yemuguan had significant effects in treating lumbar vertebrae hyperosteogeny .

  5. 夹脊穴为主治疗腰椎骨质增生症的疗效评价

    Evaluation of therapeutic effect of acupuncture at Jiaji ( EX-B 2 ) on hyperosteogeny of lumbar vertebrae

  6. 穴注谷康泰灵治疗腰椎骨质增生49例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on 49 Cases of Hyperosteogeny of Lumbar Vertebrae Treated with Acupoint Injection of Gu Kang Tai Ling

  7. 用针刺加灸治疗腰椎骨质增生症,取得较好疗效。本组80例患者中,均经X线正、侧位片示有不同程度骨质增生,并排除其它疾病。

    In this paper , we adopted acupuncture and moxibustion in box to treat 80 cases of hyperosteogeny of lumbar vertebrae .

  8. 目的:统计骨质疏松症、膝关节骨关节炎和腰椎骨质增生的发病情况,并分析骨质疏松症和骨关节病间的相互影响及相互关系。

    AIM : To investigate the occurrence of primary osteoporosis , knee osteoarthrosis and lumbar hyperostosis , and explore the interaction and correlation between osteoporosis and osteoarthrosis .

  9. 结果表明:驾驶员的腰椎骨质增生、椎间隙变窄、椎体楔变、椎间盘脱出均显著高于对照组(P<0.01);

    The results showed that the prevalence of hyperplasia of osteophytes , narrowing of intervertebral spaces , alteration of cuneiform vertebral columns and protrusion of lumbar disci appeared to be higher in the driver 's group rather than the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  10. 腰椎椎体边缘骨质增生的模拟

    Simulations of the Osteoarthritis on the Edge of Lumbar Vertebra

  11. 结论我国骨质疏松诊断标准应为骨峰值L2-4BMD-2.OSD,当其腰椎有明显骨质增生时可给予适当修正。

    Conclusion The appropriate criterion of OP for Chinese should be PBM minus 2.OSD in L2-4 and should be corrected when OP is accompanied by bone hyperplasia .