
  1. 腰间盘突出症;CT影像;临床症状。

    Lumbar disc herniation ; CT images ; Clinical symptoms .

  2. 目的:分析儿童腰间盘突出症的MR征象。

    Purpose : To explore the MR feature of protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disk in Chilren .

  3. 结扎椎管内静脉干减少腰间盘切除术出血的解剖学、CT影像及临床研究

    Study on anatomy , ct image and clinic of bleeding decrease by ligaturing the internal vertebral venous trunk

  4. 人腰间盘突出的形态不同对IgG及IgM的产生有重要影响。

    Lumbar disc herniation was different forms of IgG and IgM with important influence in the selection .

  5. 目的:使用椎间盘镜(MED)治疗腰间盘突出症。

    Objective : Use MED to treat prolapse of lumber intervertebral disc .

  6. 自1987年7月到1991年12月共收治114例腰间盘脱出症,手术治疗110例,其中MRI检查确诊为腰间盘脱出症为80例。

    Patients of PLID were treated from July , 1987 to Dec , 1991 . 110 cases were operated on , mong which 80 cases were diagnosed by MRI .

  7. 三年来,我院用牵引复位法治疗腰间盘突出症120例,全部病例经临床CT确立诊断。

    During recent 3 years , our hos - pital has treated 120 cases of pro - lapsed lumbar intervertebral disc . Through clinic and CT examination all of them were decided into groups .

  8. MRI检查与手术结果符合率占97.5%.文章就.MRI检查优于CT及MRI图象区别腰间盘变性与腰间盘脱出作了阐述。

    97 . 5 % of MRI results agree with operative findings . The article demonstrated the superiority of MRI to CT and tile differentiation of prolapse of intervertebral disk degeneration by MRI .

  9. 方法:对23例腰间盘突出症实施CT监控下经皮椎间盘髓核摘除术(CT-PLD)。

    Methods : Twenty-three cases of lumbar disc herniation were treated with CT guide percutaneous lumbar diskectomy ( CT-PLD ) .

  10. 腰间盘组织中MMP一7蛋白和TIMP一l蛋白表达情况与腰椎间盘退变突出有关,MMP一7蛋白增加及TIMP一1蛋白减少可能是导致腰间盘退变突出的原因之一。

    The increase of the expression of MMP - 7 protein and the decrease of the expression of TIMP - 1 protein may be the cause of the lumber intervertebral disc degeneration and prolapse .

  11. 外科医生的临床决策能力以1991年1月至2000年12月在中国医科大学附属第一医院骨科病房由同一术者实施手术的所有腰间盘突出症(LDH)的病人为研究对象。

    Materials : We analyzed the records of all patients who underwent operations with LDH performed by the same surgeon at the first affiliated hospital of China medical university between January 1991 and December 2000 . All patients were divided into two groups .

  12. 研究了正常国人急性外伤致死的成人新鲜尸体10个腰间盘L3-4、L4-5纤维软骨的力学性质。

    In this paper , the biomechanical properties of ten lumbar intervertebral disc L3-4 , L4-5 fibrous cartilages got from normal Chinese fresh corpses died of impetuous trauma were investigated .

  13. 光显示我脱了腰间盘。

    The X-RAY shows that I have a slipped disc .

  14. 磁共振成像诊断腰间盘脱出症

    MRI in the Diagnosis of Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disk

  15. “百年黑膏”康复颈椎病、腰间盘突出显奇效!

    " One hundred black paste " rehabilitation disease show surprise effect !

  16. 经皮摘除术联合胶原酶溶核术治疗腰间盘突出症

    The treatment for lumbar disc herniation by percutaneous diskectomy combined with collagenase chemolysis

  17. 目的探讨腰间盘突出症的手术与非手术治疗。

    Objective To probe operative and nonoperative treatment of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc .

  18. 小切口开窗髓核摘除减压治疗腰间盘突出症

    Removal of nucleus pulposus decompression by small-incision fenstration

  19. 椎板开窗与全椎板切除治疗中央型腰间盘突出症的疗效分析

    Analysis of Treatment for Central Type Lumbar Disc Protrusion by Fenestration or Total Laminectomy

  20. 足下垂的腰间盘突出症

    Lumbar Disc Protrusion with Foot - drop

  21. 自制外贴内服方药治疗腰间盘突出症的远期疗效观察

    The Prostecdtive Efficacy Observation of Apply Combination Oral Administration on Treating Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion

  22. 腰间盘突出症术后疗效欠佳原因分析(附48例临床报告)

    Analysis of Failed Operative Results of Protrusion of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc ( Report of 48 cases )

  23. 目的:探讨足下垂的腰间盘突出症的治疗与预后。

    Objective : To study the treatment and prognosis of foot drop due to lumbar disc protrusion .

  24. 不同间隙腰间盘突出症硬膜外注药治疗效果比较

    Comparison of Therapeutic Effects of Epidural Grug Injection at Different Interspaces to Treat Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Prolapse

  25. 研究员发现较重级别的死人其股骨拥有更宽的腰间盘。

    The researchers found that the femurs of the individuals in the heavier group had significantly wider shafts .

  26. 经皮椎间盘旋切治疗腰间盘突出症1282例疗效分析

    The analysis of the clinical effects on percutaneous diskectomy in the treatment of lumbar disc protrusion in 1282 cases

  27. 腰间盘突出病人手术期间以及手术后需要注意身?

    Between the waist dish during outstanding patient operation and does the need after the operation notice a body ?

  28. 采用中西医结合方法提高腰间盘突出症手术治疗效果

    Application of integration of TCM and modern medicine in elevation of operative effect in treating prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc

  29. 腰间盘突出症是临床上的常见多发病,是引起腰腿痛的常见原因之一。

    The lumbar disc herniation is the most common disease clinically , is one of the common causes of low back pain .

  30. 全靠患有腰间盘突出的父亲外出打工维持家庭生活,供我和妹上学。

    Her father is suffering from Lumbar disc herniation but has to work for the family and support the sisters for their education .