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  • posterior ring
  1. 骨盆后环MRI图像参数测量及临床意义

    MRI Parameter Measuring of the Pelvic Posterior Ring and Clinical Significance

  2. 【目的】通过对中国成人骨盆后环相关结构进行解剖学和CT测量研究,以期为临床用骶髂螺钉固定骶髂关节脱位提供形态学依据。

    [ Objective ] By studying the applied anatomy of Chinese adult pelvic posterior ring structure and CT measurement of the parameter of screw fixation for the sacroiliac joint to provide the related morphological data for the application of iliosacral screw fixation in sacroiliac joint disruption .

  3. 我们发现这些耀斑后环可以快速地向外膨胀,产生第二次CME/耀斑爆发。

    We find that the post-flare loops can expand to form a second CME .

  4. 6例骨盆后环骨折患者采用切开复位双钢板固定,2例在CT引导下经皮置入骶髂关节松质骨拉力螺钉固定。

    Of posterior ring of pelvis fractures , 6 cases were treated with open reduction and double plate fixation , 2 cases were treated with close reduction and CT-assisted lag screws fixation .

  5. Colorado2~(TM)脊柱内固定系统及髂骨螺钉联合应用治疗骨盆后环损伤

    Combined use of Colorado 2 ~ ( TM ) system and iliac bone screws for the treatment of fracture dislocation involving posterior pelvic ring

  6. 目的总结二尖瓣后环缝缩治疗二尖瓣关闭不全(MI)的临床经验。

    Objective To summarize the experience in treating mitral insufficiency ( MI ), due to secondary annular dilation in the posterior portion of the annulus with mitral valve reconstruction .

  7. 结论Willis前环的A1优势征和Willis后环中大脑后动脉供血为颈动脉供血型、混合供血型者提示Willis动脉环形态变异;

    Conclusion A1 odds sign in anterior Willis circle and the blood-supply type of PCA such as carotid artery type or mixed blood-supply type may hint Willis arterial circle heteromorphosis .

  8. 患者ISS评分平均39±16。根据X线表现分为后环骨折21例,前环骨折12例,髋臼骨折6例,混合骨折16例。

    Judging by the pelvic X-ray image , 21 were posterior pelvic fracture , 12 were anterior pelvic fracture , 6 were fracture of acetabulum , and 16 were combined pelvic fracture .

  9. 骨盆后环骨折脱位不同内固定的生物力学研究

    Biomechanical research on internal fixation methods of posterior pelvic ring fracture dislocation

  10. 造血干细胞移植术后环孢菌素A诱发急性胰腺炎的临床分析

    Acute Pancreatitis Induced by Cyclosporine A Following Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant

  11. 骶骨钉治疗骨盆后环损伤的体会

    Appreciate of sacral screws for injury of posterior pelvic ring

  12. 喉返神经损伤后环杓关节变化的观察

    Change of cricoarytenoid joint after recurrent laryngeal nerve damaged

  13. 耀斑后环珥系速度场的定量研究

    The quantitative research on the velocity field of a POST-FLARE loop prominence system

  14. 固井后环空气窜预测新方法

    New predicating method of annular channeling after cementing

  15. 骨盆后环骨折神经损伤的临床解剖学研究

    The clinical anatomic study on the nerve injury of the posterior ring pelvic fracture

  16. 这种双环模型能够较好地解释该耀斑后环单色像的演化。

    The Double-Loop-Model can reasonably answer the monochromatic evolution of the post flare loop .

  17. 水泥混凝土路面的横向缩缝后环缝缩矫正二尖瓣关闭不全

    Lateral Contraction Joints on Cement Concrete Pavements Correction of mitral insufficiency with posterior annuloplasty

  18. 复杂的骨盆骨折多数存在骨盆后环损伤,包括骶骨骨折。

    Complicated pelvic fracture including sacrum bone fracture mostly displays pelvic posterior ring injuries .

  19. 骨盆前环后环骨折与骨盆动脉损伤的相关性研究

    Correlative Study on Pelvic Fracture and Artery Injuries

  20. 测量椎弓根间距诊断胸腰椎椎管后环骨折

    Measurement of interpediculate distance for diagnosing of posterior ring fracture of thoracic and lumbar spine injuries

  21. 临近组织瓣修复下咽癌术后环周及近环周缺损

    Repairing the circumferential or near circumferential defect of hypopharynx caused by tumor resection with regional flap

  22. 复发性房性心动过速,后环肺静脉消融房颤:有什么区别?

    Recurrent atrial tachycardia and atrial fibrillation after circumferential pulmonary vein ablation : What 's the difference ?

  23. 目的探索脊柱钉棒系统应用于骨盆后环损伤治疗的效果。

    Objective To investigate the therapeutic results of the posterior pelvic ring with pedicle screw fixation system .

  24. 后环采用经皮骶髂关节拉力螺钉固定术或骶骨棒固定术。

    Posterior ring of pelvis was fixation by lag screw via sacroiliac joint or intrasacral rod via ilium .

  25. 骶髂拉力螺钉固定技术在骨盆后环损伤中的临床应用

    The clinical exploration of the sacroiliac lag screws fixation for the injuries in the posterior ring of pelvis

  26. 目的探讨采用骶骨钉治疗骨盆后环损伤的疗效及手术指征。

    Objective To discuss the curative effect and operative indications using sacral screw for injury of posterior pelvic ring .

  27. 方法应用锁定加压钢板治疗5例骨盆后环损伤患者,其中男4例,女1例;

    Methods 5 patients with injuries at the posterior ring of pelvis were treated with locking compression plate fixation .

  28. 认为固井后环空气窜的主要原因是由于水泥浆失重引起的。

    It is considered that the main reason of leading to annular channeling after cementing is due to cement slurry weight loss .

  29. 结果:12个月以内行喉内肌神经再支配后环杓关节纤维化有不同程度的逆转,而18个月行喉内肌神经再支配后环杓关节纤维化不可逆。

    Results : The fibroses of CA joints showed reversion of varying degrees during delay to 12 months after reinnervated laryngeal muscles .

  30. 采取先子午向插值后环向插值的方式得到旋转壳广义样条子域位移模式。

    The generalized spline subdomain displacement mode is got by interpolating in the longitudinal direction firstly and then in the circumferential direction .