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  • background program
  1. 开发Web后台程序的新技术&PHP技术

    A New Technology of Developing Web Background Program & PHP Technology

  2. TETRAServer是一个后台程序,负责电话程序与TETRA主板之间的信息传递;

    TETRA Server is a background program , which is responsible for transferring information between telephone program and TETRA main board .

  3. Win32平台下的WindowsServices是一种强大的后台程序管理模式。

    Windows Services is a powerful background process management mode of Win32 platform .

  4. 安全服务器后台程序使用MITKerberos来管理身份验证。

    The security server daemon uses MIT Kerberos to manage authentication .

  5. 在多任务Windows编程中,为了提高代码的时、空效率,广泛采取后台程序和前台程序。

    In order to improve the code 's efficiency both in executing time and storing space , downstage and backstage programming were widely used on Multi-task Windows programs .

  6. 配置了两个系统后,使用以下命令在NIS主服务器上启动NTP后台程序

    With both systems configured , start the NTP daemon on the NIS master using

  7. 系统初始化后进入由键盘、显示、SCI、故障处理等模块组成的后台程序。

    After initialization , the system ran into the background program which includes keyboard , display module , SCI module , and fault processing module .

  8. 大部分情况下依旧需要后台程序来生成,但是需要直接嵌入在页面中而不是通过Ajax来加载。

    In most cases it could still be generated by the back end , but it would be embedded directly in the page rather than loaded via Ajax .

  9. Accelerator系统鼓励你以整个数组操作的方式来表述数据并行处理算法,对不同的后台程序(或“目标”)的实现更有效。

    The Accelerator system encourages you to express data-parallel algorithms in terms of whole array operations which leads to efficient implementations for various back ends (" targets ") .

  10. SqlServer和Oracle数据库的数据管道在普通电话线上传递数据时容易断线,针对这种现象,提出了在后台程序使用断点续传的解决方案,使用VC++。

    The disconnect is easy when SQL server on oracle Manager transmits data through the common telephone line . The breakpoint resumption design solves the problem in the background program compiled by VC + + .

  11. 图书馆网站后台程序ASP代码的安全涉及网站数据信息的安全使用,本文论述了在工作实践中如何保护ASP代码的几种方法。

    The security of the ASP codes in program of library web site involve the security use of data information from web - site . The paper has expounded on ways to protect ASP codes in practice .

  12. 在结合了spread协议特点的基础上,提出了一个新的可扩展安全群组通信系统的架构,阐述了该结构下两层安全机制(客户端与后台程序以及后台程序之间)的建立与工作原理。

    On the basis of combining the features of Spread protocol , this paper presents the architecture of a new scalable secure group communication system , and expatiates the establishment and working principles of the two-level security mechanisms ( client to daemon and daemon to daemon ) .

  13. 打开QQ音乐后就不知道干什么了,其实可以在后台程序里开一些冲浪赚钱这些什么的,点点广告这些都可以。

    After opening QQ do not know what the music , in fact , open in the background process in what some of these to make money surfing , little bit of advertising they can .

  14. 下载并编译或独立安装了相应程序包后,就可以得到关键组件ntpd后台程序。

    Once you have downloaded and compiled , or separately installed the package , the key component is the ntpd daemon .

  15. 该特性被实现为一个后台程序(shdaemon),它按照最高优先级运行。

    This feature is implemented as a daemon ( shdaemon ) that runs at the highest process priority .

  16. 介绍了POP3协议、窗口套接字、后台程序的一些基本概念,描述了利用Winsock对电子邮件进行后台监控设计的主要原理,并给出了利用VC进行程序设置的主要代码。

    This paper introduces some concepts of POP3 protocol , Windows socket and background program , and it describes the main principle of designing background monitor program with Winsock in detail . At last , the main code of C is given .

  17. 在了解每个服务的详细信息之前,您应该记住,所有这些服务都是由一个RPC服务器实现的,该服务器称为安全后台程序或secd。

    Before we go into the details of each of these services , you should keep in mind that all these services are implemented by a single RPC server , called a security daemon or secd .

  18. ntpd后台程序在后台执行,可以配置为提供时间同步信息和根据服务器自动更新本地计算机的时间。

    The ntpd daemon runs in the background and can be configured both to supply time synchronization information and automatically update the time of the local machine according to a server .

  19. 再次通过后台程序对于订单进行整合和反馈。

    Through the background program for orders are integrated and feedback .

  20. 界面整体设计及后台程序定制;

    Design the whole interface and make the background process ;

  21. 重点介绍了后台程序实现部分。

    It introduces background program 's implementation chiefly .

  22. 最后,设计系统界面,实现后台程序,并对完成的软件程序的测试做出详细阐述。

    Finally , the article shows the system interface , and tests the finished system .

  23. 这个后台程序将在内核中查询指定间隔内运行的优先级最低的线程。

    This daemon queries the kernel for the lowest-priority thread run over a specified interval .

  24. 如果优先级高于配置的阈值,那么改后台程序会采取若干种操作之一。

    If the priority is above a configured threshold , the daemon can take one of several actions .

  25. 介绍了一种对电子邮件进行自动截取分析系统的后台程序的设计与实现。

    This article introduced a background program of the design and implementation of automatically intercept and analyse e mails .

  26. 启动portmap&RPC映射器后台程序(如果尚未运行):$/sbin/portmap。

    Start portmap , the RPC mapper daemon if it is not already running : $ / sbin / portmap .

  27. 话单采集的实时监控是在后台程序采集话单的同时实时地监控采集的异常情况和采集上来的满足某种条件的话单。

    The real time monitoring of CDR collection is monitoring the exception of CDR collection and the CDR meeting certain conditions .

  28. 每个服务器都必须运行一个后台程序来处理众多任务,这样移动设备就不行了。

    Each server must be running a daemon to handle the batches of jobs-this leaves mobile devices out of the picture .

  29. 后台程序定期分析访问日志并将相应的结果写入数据库和静态文件以供查询。

    A background application analyze the accessed logs and store the statistics into database or static files which can be selected conveniently .

  30. 利用本文设计的中介程序实现后处理前台界面和后台程序之间的通信。

    With the help of the proxy program designed in this paper , the communication between the GUI program and the background program is realized .