
hòu bǎn
  • Rear panel;backplate
  1. 它的后板装有感应器,可以测量出佩带者的生命特征;

    Its backplate contains sensors that measure the user 's vital signs ;

  2. 它的后板装有感应器,可以测量出佩带者的生命特征;作为一种新的信息表达方式,人们可以将心率数据发送给其他的手表用户。

    Its backplate contains sensors that measure the user 's vital signs ; and people can send their heartbeat to other watch-wearers & as a new sort of expressive message .

  3. 针对CVC热连轧精轧机组板形计算问题,采用影响函数法开发了计算热连轧机轧后板断面厚度分布的软件。

    As to the flatness calculating of CVC mill , a software is developed to predict the strip thickness distribution after rolling by using the influence function method .

  4. DN&4×l25型卡车车箱板边后板页板总成多点焊机的研制

    The development of DN-4 × 125 multi-spot welding machine for leaf assembly of truck carriage side / back board

  5. 其次,采用节点分离、定义节点约束失效的方法对靶板材料二次碎片的形成过程及其对后板的侵彻过程进行了模拟,与SPH方法的计算结果吻合较好。

    Secondly , a couple of numerical calculations using dividing the target nodes and defining tied node sets with failure to simulate the generated process of the secondary debris and the debris penetrating the behind target were performed and compared with the corresponding SPH numerical results .

  6. 角膜内皮层培养及后板层移植的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Cultivated Corneal Endothelial Cells for Posterior Lamellar Transplantation

  7. 均匀受压矩形管的屈曲后板组效应研究

    Study on Postbuckling Plate Assembly Effect of Rectangular Tube under Uniform Compression

  8. 板层角膜移植术常用于治疗角膜病变,可分为前板层角膜移植术、中间板层移植术和后板层角膜移植术。

    · Lamellar keratoplasty is used to treat cornea diseases .

  9. 微型货车后板折边工艺分析及模具设计

    Processing analyzing and mould design for hemming the backboard of minisize truck

  10. 一定是用螺丝固定在后板上。

    It must be * Screwed into the backing piate or something .

  11. 硬腭和无睑板移植物在上眼睑手术中作为后板层替代物

    Hard palate and free tarsal grafts as posterior lamella substitutes in upper lid surgery

  12. 铝双层板结构超高速正撞击后板弹坑分布

    Crater Distribution on the Rear Wall of Aluminum Dual-sheet Structure under Hypervelocity Normal Impact

  13. 对双曲率模冲压后板料的回弹规律进行了模拟,得出了不同的板宽和板厚对板料冲压后回弹量的影响规律,从而为确定冲模修正量的大小提供了依据。

    The spring-back law of the thick - plate in twin-curvature mould press is studied .

  14. 我们的电话号码、传真号码和地址全部丝印在产品的后板上。

    Our phone number , fax number and address are listed on the rear cover .

  15. TGF-β1基因修饰后板层人工生物角膜的免疫学研究

    The Immunologic Research of Applying TGF - β _1 Gene Transfection to Deep Lamellar Artificial Biologic Cornea

  16. 车厢后板锁紧机构的设计是自卸汽车设计中主要解决的问题。

    Locking mechanism of dumping body tailboard is one of the key problems in designing dump trucks .

  17. 结论:吸入非脂溶性麻醉药后板层体分泌不受影响。

    Conclusion : The secretion of lamellar body was not interfered after inhalation of non liposoluble anesthetic agent .

  18. 当晶体管测温器接到后板上并且其温度在-20度到60度之间时,这盏灯就亮了。

    The lamp lights when the transistor temperature probe is connected to the rear panel and its temperature is between-20-60'C.

  19. 其中后板层角膜移植术是近年来发展较快的手术方式。

    There are a uariety of styles , including deep lamellar keratoplasty , a new style developed quickly these years .

  20. 后板股韧带的长度、中点宽度均大于前板股韧带。

    Both the mean length and the mean midpoint width of the posterior MFL was larger than that of anterior MFL .

  21. 该复位固定器的后板弧度可以调节,患者仰卧于弓起的后板上,通过患者自身的重量,达到缓慢过伸复位。

    Patient lied on the back of the backboard whose curve can be regulated , to reach extension reduction slowly through self-dependent weight .

  22. 水火弯板的变形场可由成形后板的表面形状及平面内变形全面描述。

    The deformation of the line heating can be described fully by surface shape of the bended plate and the in plane deformation .

  23. 无线数据删除后板的螺钉,你现在可以解除无线数据板远离阿达莫底盘。

    After removing the wireless data board 's screws , you can now lift the wireless data board away from the Adamo chassis .

  24. 并对正向与反向混合成形的后板模具结构、成形工艺原理给予重点阐述。

    Furthermore , the backboard die structure and forming technology principle of forming by combining positive and inverted directions are stated in emphasis .

  25. 本文介绍了DN&4×125型卡车车箱板边/后板页板总成多点焊机。

    The DN ─ 4 × 125 multi-spots welding machine for leaf assembly of truck carriage side / back boards is described in this article .

  26. 立轧后板坯头、尾部存在不同程度的失宽,狗骨高度最大值出现在板坯中部,采用孔型立辊或锥形立辊可提高轧制过程的稳定性。

    The highest of dog bone arised at the middle of slab length . The stability would increase by using edging roller with groove and slope angle .

  27. 当单体振膜发声时,其声音打到后板所反弹的声波,藉由反射导管将反相的声波传递出来。

    When the diaphragm of the speaker generates sound , the sound waves which are reflexed from the rear board will be sent out by the reflex pipes .

  28. 位于麦杆画层与后板之间设计有活性炭纤维层;

    The straw picture with the active carbon fibre is characterized in that an active carbon fibre layer is designed between the straw picture layer and the back plate .

  29. 板形及宽展数值模拟分析(1)轧后板带在宽度对称中心处的板厚明显要比边缘处大。

    Plate shape and width extension numerical simulation : ( 1 ) . In width symmetrical area , the rolled plate was thicker than which at the edge of plate .

  30. 液压系统的设计避免了在举升过程中后板自动回落,机械式自动锁紧装置提高了机构可靠性。

    The design of this hydraulic system avoids automatic dropping of backboard in the process of lifting , and the mechanical device of automatic lock system improved reliability of mechanism .