
  • 网络Postmodern Feminism;post-modern feminism
  1. 第二章论述了后现代女性主义的理论基础。

    The second chapter introduces the theoretical principle of Postmodern Feminism .

  2. 第三章阐述了后现代女性主义课程观。

    The third chapter deals with the unique curriculum views of Postmodern Feminism .

  3. 这一文化思潮以三个不同的流派为代表:女性主义经验论、女性主义立场论和后现代女性主义。

    They are feminist empiricism 、 feminist standpoint and feminist postmodernism .

  4. 后现代女性主义视域下课程范式研究

    Course Paradigm : From the View of Post Modern Feminism

  5. 《廊桥遗梦》中后现代女性主义的体现

    Postmodern Feminism in The Bridges of Madison County

  6. 后现代女性主义国际关系理论

    Research on Post-modern Feminism in International Relations Theory

  7. 在后现代女性主义意识形态理念的影响下,他对传统的女性文化作了新的演绎。

    Influenced by the post-modernist feminist consciousness , he re explains the traditional feminist culture .

  8. 法国后现代女性主义述评

    Some Comments on French Postmodern Feminism

  9. 试论后现代女性主义心理学

    On the Postmodern Feminist Psychology

  10. 与此相对,后现代女性主义借用福柯的惩戒凝视理论,提出在社会性别的塑造过程中,惩戒凝视起了非常重要的作用。

    Postmodern feminism employed the theory of Disciplinary Gaze and emphasized its importance in the process of gender .

  11. 第一章详细阐述了后现代女性主义理论,尤其是其中的恢复话语权和个体差异的理论。

    Chapter one recommends Postmodern Feminism thoroughly , especially the concepts of discourse power and individual " difference " .

  12. 后现代女性主义课程研究是一个新的研究视角,也是一个时间不长的研究话题。

    The research of postmodern feminism is a new research view , and it is a new research topic .

  13. 后现代女性主义是女性主义与后现代相结合的产物,性别问题则是后现代女性主义关注的重要课题。

    Postmodern Feminism is the combination of Feminism and Modernism , gender problems is the vital issue for Postmodern Feminism .

  14. 后现代女性主义法学不仅关注男女之间的差异,更关注女性内部的差别。

    Post modern legal feminism not only emphasized the differences between the two genders but also the insider odds in females .

  15. 通过比较分析,可以清楚地发现各女性主义理论流派之间的特点及差异,以及后现代女性主义就是女性主义理论的调和理论、中庸理论。

    We can know clearly that the characters and differences among its branches , and postmodern feminism is reconcilable theory of feminism theory .

  16. 因此,研究后现代女性主义不仅能更加丰富女性主义理论,也更有利于从多角度研究国际关系的理论与实践。

    For these reasons , researching postmodern feminism not only makes feminism theory richer , but helps researchers study international relation theory from more respects .

  17. 因此,它具有丰富课程学的积极一面,但也需要我们认真对待后现代女性主义课程研究万花筒般的复杂性。

    Therefore , it has a positive side to enrich the course , but we also need to study seriously the complexity of Kaleidoscope courses of postmodern feminism .

  18. 本文通过对国内外有关女性主义理论研究成果的梳理,对后现代女性主义国际关系理论的主要观点、特点以及存在的不足进行了总结和分析;

    By arranging the internal and external theories achievements , this essay summarizes and analyzes the main points , characters , and deficiencies of feminism postmodernism in international relations ;

  19. 女学者对西方女性主义文论的译介与运用主要表现在:积极翻译后现代女性主义文论著作;

    The female scholars translated and introduced and used the Western Feminist Literary Theories , which mainly displayed in the follow aspects : Translated tirelessly the Feminist Theories of Post-modernism ;

  20. 同时,这一转变也充分显示了吉尔曼女性主义思想的前瞻性,她预见性地实践了后现代女性主义所倡导的女性主义文学之目标,即:击破、摧毁、预见与规划。

    She anticipates what the postmodern feminism advocates as the goal of feminist writing : to break up , to destroy , and to foresee the unforeseeable , and to project future .

  21. 从女性主义对科学批判的认识论层面着手,分别对女性主义经验论、女性主义立场论、后现代女性主义这三个具有代表性的科学哲学进行系统的梳理、考察和分析。

    The paper mainly sets about from the epistemology level of the feminism 's science criticism , respectively arranges , researches , and analyzes three representative epistemology approaches that the feminist empiricism , the feminist standpoint theory , and the feminist postmodernism .

  22. 传统、现代、后现代:当代女性主义教育的三重视野

    Traditional , Modern , Post-modern : Triple Vision of Feminist Education

  23. 后现代主义和女性主义视角下的《第二层皮》

    Second Skin : From Perspectives of Postmodernism and Feminism ;

  24. 同样,后现代兴起的女性主义亦反对传统理论话语的专制而强调女性的感性和体验,因此,女性主义美学不仅能成为美学的分支,而且是女性主义运动的重要力量和有力武器。

    The feminist aesthetics is not only a filiation of aesthetics but an important power and pithiness arm in the feminist movement .

  25. 后现代取向的女性主义心理学具有否定所有的宏大叙述、否定传统形而上学的二元对立、反本质主义、主张多元方法等理论特色。

    Feminist psychology , which is post-modernistic in nature , has the following theoretical features : negating all mammoth narration and metaphysical dualism , opposing the theory of essence and advocating pluralistic methods .

  26. 三是后现代取向的女性主义心理学,强调采用解构的方法,重新解读主流心理学中的关于女性的所谓科学的知识,揭示心理学中的男性中心主义偏见。

    And the third emphasizes the deconstructing and reinterpreting the " scientific " knowledge and reveals the androcentric biases in mainstream psychology ; this has been called " postmodernist paradigm of feminist psychology " .

  27. 后现代主义思潮对女性主义的发展具有广泛而深远的影响。

    Postmodernism has an extensive and deep impact on the development of feminism .

  28. 在后现代文化语境中,女性主义学者运用多元的手段批评与分析社会、经济、文化等方方面面的问题,并重新建立了后现代女性主义理论研究基础。

    In the postmodern context , feminist scholars use multiple means of criticism and analysis of social , economic , cultural and other aspects of the problem , reestablish the postmodern feminist theory .