
  1. 建国后意识形态话语泛滥,虽出现双百方针下的学术争鸣,仍然给文学研究带来损失。

    After our country was founded , ideological discourse inundant , it appeared academic contention under the " Shuang Bai Policy ", however , brought damnify to literary research .

  2. 意识形态理论产生后,意识形态安全问题随之产生。

    After the creation of the theory of ideology , ideological safety issues have arisen .

  3. 冷战结束后,意识形态成为影响美国国会对华决策的一个重要因素。

    After cold war , ideology become the major factor that affect the U. S. Congress decision on China .

  4. 冷战结束后,意识形态因素失去了影响国际关系的支配地位,国家利益重新成为主导性力量。

    After the cold war , as the ideology factors cannot dominate international relations , it is the interest of the state that becomes the leading force .

  5. 二战结束后,意识形态对立成为东、西两大军事力量的对立基础,帝国的殖民逐渐从对领土、原材料资源的掠夺转向意识形态入侵。

    After World War ⅱ, ideological confrontation became East and West two opposing military confrontation . Colonial empire gradually from the territory , plunder of raw materials resources towards ideology invasion .

  6. 后现代消费意识形态的三重神话及其症候

    Three Deified Consumption Ideology of Post-modernity and Their Drseases

  7. 随着反现代性和后现代主义意识形态的衰退,对现代主义和现代艺术的评价更客观了。

    With the decaying of the Postmodernism , the evaluation to the modern art becomes more and more objective .

  8. 作者认为,入世后我国意识形态领域的斗争出现了以下三个方面的新特点:一、入世为我国思想意识形态建设提供了难得的机遇,社会主义思想阵地会更加巩固和发展;

    The author points out that the new characteristics of ideological struggle after China enters WTO are the following three ones : Firstly , entering WTO presents hard-won opportunities for the building of ideology and the field of socialism ideology will be more stable and expand .

  9. 在后现代女性主义意识形态理念的影响下,他对传统的女性文化作了新的演绎。

    Influenced by the post-modernist feminist consciousness , he re explains the traditional feminist culture .

  10. 詹姆逊的后现代马克思主义意识形态理论的归宿是历史阐释的意识形态。

    The result of the ideologies theory of Jameson 's Postmodern-Marxism is the ideologies theory of historical interpretation .

  11. 建国后17年的意识形态领域有一个显著的特征,那就是大批判运动此起彼伏、接连不断。

    It is an outstanding feature in the ideology field during the 17 seventeen years after founding of the PRC that the big criticism movements were tortuous and continuous .

  12. 二战后美苏由于意识形态、社会制度的尖锐对立和国家利益的矛盾,同盟关系破裂,双方逐渐走上了冷战的争夺之路。

    The United States and Soviet Union , due to the sharp confrontation of the ideology , social system and the national interests , the alliance relationship broke down after World War II . The two sides gradually embarked on the road for the Cold War .