
  • 网络Marsala;masala
  1. 泛马沙拉(panmasala),它点缀着瓜子、坚果、酸橙、丁香和薄荷,它就是以此命名的。你可以在一顿印度大餐之后把它一下子放入口中。

    and pan masala , named after ( and studded with ) the sprinkle of seeds , nuts , lime , cloves and menthol that you might throw into your mouth at the end of an Indian meal .

  2. 前述报告的作者——尼日利亚的托普·雷蒙德·埃金比努(TopeRaymondAkinbinu)和博茨瓦纳的Y·J·马沙拉——引用的四项研究成果显示,即便每天使用电脑三小时,也有可能带来眼部症状、腰痛、紧张性头痛以及社会心理压力。

    The report 's authors , Tope Raymond Akinbinu of Nigeria and Y. J. Mashalla of Botswana , cited four studies demonstrating that use of a computer for even three hours a day is likely to result in eye symptoms , low back pain , tension headache and psychosocial stress .

  3. 通常有西红柿,凤尾鱼并装饰了黑色橄榄叶和马槟榔的沙拉。

    Typically containing tomatoes and anchovies and garnished with black olives and capers .