
  • 网络mars;Bruno Mars
  1. 马尔斯是古罗马战神。

    Mars was the Roman god of war .

  2. 我很激动地宣布,《24KMagic》要和大家见面了,马尔斯在他的Instagram账户上写道。

    Excited to announce 24k Magic , Mars said onhis Instagram account .

  3. 马尔斯和肯德里克?拉马尔包揽了绝大多数奖项,抢尽风头。火星哥拿下年度最佳专辑,制造了当晚最大的冷门,而此前众多乐评人更看好拉马尔的说唱专辑《Damn》。

    Mars provided the night 's big upset , taking the album of the year trophy that most critics assumed would go to Lamar 's rap tour de force , Damn .

  4. 马尔斯共同创作了阿黛尔的专辑《25》中的《AllIAsk》,并与英国歌手马克•朗森共同操刀制作了2014年轰动一时的《UptownFunk》,这首歌曲后来创下了占据榜首第二长的历史。

    Mars co-wrote Adele 's 25 track All I Ask , and also co-produced the 2014 smash Uptown Funk with English singer Mark Ronson , which later became the second-most enduring chart-topper in history .

  5. 10月7日,马尔斯公布了他即将发行的新专辑《24KMagic》中的同名单曲及MV。而这也是他四年来的首支单曲。

    On Oct 7 , the singer dropped the titletrack from his upcoming album , 24K Magic , as his first single in four years , which was also accompanied by a video .

  6. UptownFunk出自美国创作型流行歌手“火星哥”布鲁诺•马尔斯与英国制作人马克•罗森之手。这首歌已经连续14周蝉联美国公告牌百强单曲榜冠军,蝉联时间有望跻身历史第二。

    Uptown Funk , recorded by American pop singer-songwriter Bruno Mars and English producer Mark Ronson , has ruled the US Billboard Hot 100 Chart for 14 consecutive weeks , tying it for the second-longest run on the chart in history .

  7. 男款马尔斯由不锈钢制成。

    The male , Mars model is made from stainless steel .

  8. 爵士乐家威顿-马尔斯利是奥尔良土著。

    Jazz musician Wynton Marsalis is a native of New Orleans .

  9. 马尔斯(阿瑞斯)是朱庇特和朱诺的儿子。

    Mars ( Ares ) was the son of Jupiter and Juno .

  10. 在马尔斯的胸脯上那女神叹伤。

    On breast of Mars the goddess sighed .

  11. 不久阿芙罗狄蒂离开他到漂亮的战神阿瑞斯即马尔斯那儿去了。

    Aphrodite soon left him for ares mars , the handsome god of war .

  12. “马尔斯跑马场的赛马伯爵夫人也去看了的。”夏多勒诺说。

    " The countess was present at the races in the champ-de-mars ," said chateau-renaud .

  13. 曾获得多项格莱美大奖、现年31岁的美国歌手布鲁诺•马尔斯便是这样一位艺术家。

    And 31-year-old multiple GrammyAward-winning American singer Bruno Mars is certainly one of these artists .

  14. 马尔斯是罗马战神,火星就是以他的名字命名的。

    Mars was a Roman God of war and that 's whom the planet was named after .

  15. 很难相信,距马尔斯上一次主打发行已经差不多四年了。

    It 's hard to believe it 's been almost four years since Mars " last major release .

  16. 马尔斯隔断系统是真正可拆卸、模块化的隔断系统,有着多种饰面、产品系列和选择。

    It is a truly demountable modular partitioning system with a wide variety of options , finishes and systems .

  17. 红色是激情,是行动,是罗马战神马尔斯的颜色。

    Red is passion and action , the color of Mars , named for the Roman god of war .

  18. 在过去的四年里,马尔斯也逐渐从一名歌坛新星变成一位音乐创作大师。

    The past four years has also seen the singer graduate from emerging artist to inspired musical * maven .

  19. 阿穆利乌斯暴跳如雷,但是雷亚声称让她怀孕的是战神马尔斯。

    Amulius was maddened with rage , but Rhea protested that it was the god Mars who was responsible for her pregnancy .

  20. 这个颜色是经过为期6个月的全球调查后选出来的,以英国邓迪市的一位联合国教科文组织职员安妮?马尔斯的名字命名,称为“马尔斯绿”。

    The shade was chosen after a six-month global survey and named Marrs green , after Annie Marrs , a UNESCO worker from Dundee .

  21. 对于凡人,马尔斯有时表现得就跟他那美貌的对手、朱庇特的那永不怠倦的女儿密涅瓦一样的复仇心切。

    Toward mortals Mars could show himself , on occasion , as vindictive as his fair foe , Minerva , the unwearied daughter of Jove .

  22. 无论你的办公室在中国何处,您本土的马尔斯团队都会提供隔断系统的设计、测量、生产到安装的一系列服务。

    Your local Maars team will do the design , measurement , production and installation of the partitioning system wherever your office is located in China .

  23. 要是有一件不管什么样的外衣,我便可以去看看马尔斯小姐了,她认得我,并且对我很够交情。

    If I had a coat of any sort , I would go and see Mademoiselle Mars , who knows me and is very fond of me .

  24. 在那同一天下午,将近四点时,冉阿让独自一人坐在马尔斯广场上一条最清静的斜坡上。

    That same day , towards four o'clock in the afternoon , Jean Valjean was sitting alone on the back side of one of the most solitary slopes in the Champ-de-Mars .

  25. 今年,尽管他正忙于即将发行的专辑,马尔斯还是抽出时间与曾获得美国格莱美奖的音乐人史奇雷克斯合作,但目前他们创作的曲目尚未发表。

    This year , despite being busy with his upcoming album , Mars also found time to team up with US Grammy Award-winning musician Skrillex to work on some yet-unreleased music .

  26. 该调查通过综合来自100个国家的3万人挑选出的颜色,找出其中最受欢迎的一种,而马尔斯小姐的选择最接近这种大家一致喜欢的颜色。

    The results of 30000 people across 100 countries were then combined to find out which was the most popular , and Miss Marrs " shade was the closest to the overall consensus .

  27. 毕业于美术系的马尔斯小姐说,她选择这一颜色是因为这个颜色最贴近家乡泰河水面上“舞动”的浓烈的蓝色、灰色和绿色色调。

    Miss Marrs , a fine arts graduate said she picked the shade to match the rich blue , grey and green tones which ' dance " on the River Tay , in her home city .

  28. 《牛津英语词典》上记载:“在古罗马时期,一些有关于马尔斯的节日都在三月举行,想必是为了战争时期做准备,因为马尔斯是一位战神。”

    As the Oxford English Dictionary notes , ' In ancient Rome several festivals of Mars took place in March , presumably in preparation for the campaigning season , since Mars was a god of war . '

  29. 在这些火星人的世界里,他们最快速的反应就是神经高度紧张的公关人员在有人提出关于马尔斯家族成员的问题后表示这不符合规定。

    The shortest time interval in the Martian universe is that between when you ask about a Mars family member and when someone on the astronomically high-strung public-relations team snaps to attention and rules the question out of order .

  30. 马尔斯小姐日前来到赫尔市,在市中心的一家快闪商店庆祝“马尔斯绿”的发布。商店里有包括剑桥书包公司和安格泡灯具在内的英国知名品牌的新颜色产品。

    Miss Marrs travelled to Hull to celebrate the launch of the new color at a pop-up shop in the city centre , where well-known British brands such as satchels from the Cambridge Satchel Company and Anglepoise lamps were reproduced in the new color .