
  • 网络masters;Blythe Masters;William Masters;Jeff Masters
  1. 马斯特斯迅速把手伸到桌对面,紧紧抓住他的手腕。

    Masters shot a hand across the table and gripped his wrist

  2. 上月,前摩根大通(JPMorgan)银行家布莱思•马斯特斯(BlytheMasters)将一家名叫DigitalAssetHoldings的公司带入公众视野之内,这家公司在开发比特币结算系统。

    Last month , Blythe Masters , the former JPMorgan banker , unveiled a company called Digital Asset Holdings to develop bitcoin-based settlement systems .

  3. 马斯特斯用了约20个钟头才到达那所房子。

    It had taken Masters about twenty hours to reach the house

  4. 急诊室蓝色代码[代表紧急。马斯特斯医生。C区,大出血。

    Code blue in the E.R. , Dr. Masters . Csection , bleeding out .

  5. 该书由泰尔和他之前的学生布莱克o马斯特斯共同创作,主要内容为马斯特斯在斯坦福大学(Stanford)上泰尔的计算机科学课时记录的笔记。

    and was based upon the notes that Masters took while taking Thiel 's computer science course at Stanford .

  6. 马斯特斯向卡萨诺提议由AIG为摩根大通的超高级风险产品作担保,卡萨诺欣然同意。

    Masters pitched to Cassano that AIG take over JP Morgan 's super-senior risk , and Cassano happily agreed .

  7. 马斯特斯喜欢将它称作比AAA级更胜一筹,因为它被认为比AAA级证券还要安全。

    Masters liked to refer to it as more than triple-A , since it was deemed even safer than triple A-rated securities .

  8. 信用衍生品领域的先驱布莱斯•马斯特斯(BlytheMasters)已从摩根大通(JPMorganChase)辞职。在此之前马斯特斯已在该行工作了27年。信用衍生品是导致金融危机的元凶之一。

    Blythe Masters , a pioneer of credit derivatives , one of the products at the heart of the financial crisis , has resigned from JPMorgan Chase after more than two decades at the bank .

  9. 马斯特斯以及其他人的游说似乎起了作用。

    The lobbying by Masters and others had seemingly paid off .

  10. 我们没办法舒坦下来,马斯特斯后来说。

    We just could not get comfortable , Masters later said .

  11. 你要我辞职吗,马斯特斯先生

    Would you like me to resign , Mr. Masters ?

  12. 马斯特斯最终找到了超高级风险产品所存在问题的解决方案。

    Masters eventually spotted one solution to the super-senior headache .

  13. 因此马斯特斯和她的团队开始寻找解决方案。

    So Masters and her team set out to find a solution .

  14. 马斯特斯一家是你的教众吗

    Tell me , are the Masters in your congregation ?

  15. 马斯特斯医生,我们还没见过呢。

    Dr. Masters . We haven 't yet met .

  16. 是马斯特斯自己发明的一个设备。

    It 's a device Masters invented himself .

  17. 我是马斯特斯医生的助手。

    I am Dr. Masters ' associate .

  18. 马斯特斯的几乎为零。

    Masters ' is close to zero .

  19. 她设法与马斯特斯打成一片,加入他的研究项目,并最终成为他的伙伴。

    She manages to attach herself to Masters and his project , eventually becoming his partner .

  20. 马斯特斯说,海湾泄露石油遭遇飓风既有好处也有坏处。

    Masters said theres good news and bad news about hurricanes and the Gulf oil spill .

  21. 她和马斯特斯医生在20世纪60年代的研究为人们对于性的理解带来革命性的变化。

    She and Masters ' 1960s-era study will soon revolutionize the way the world understands sex .

  22. 我说,布莱尔和弗罗斯特喜欢迎合别人,惹人厌的马斯特斯则正好相反。

    I note that the repellent Masters was the opposite of Blair and Frost , who tried to ingratiate .

  23. 比如,当马斯特斯等人30年前发明出信用衍生品的时候,那些产品似乎也很奇怪。

    When people such as Ms Masters developed credit derivatives three decades ago , for example , they seemed truly bizarre .

  24. 从乡村歌手到记者,再从记者到秘书直至助理研究员,在妇产科学界领军人物威廉马斯特斯医生的帮助下,维吉尼亚找到了一条另类的成功道路。

    A country-singer-turned-journalist-turned-secretary-turned-research-assistant , Virginia found a non-traditional path to success through Dr. William Masters , one of gynecology 's leading physicians .

  25. 由美国女星利兹卡潘扮演的约翰逊曾是一名夜总会歌手,之后来到马斯特斯的医院做秘书。

    US actress Lizzy Caplan portrays Johnson , the former nightclub singer who comes to work at Masters ' hospital as a secretary .

  26. 马斯特斯的扮演者英国演员迈克尔西恩在试映集中说道:性研究关乎一切生命的起源。

    The study of sex is the study of the beginning of all life , Masters , played by British actor Michael Sheen , declares in the pilot .

  27. 45岁的马斯特斯在上世纪90年代曾是开发信用衍生品的先驱,她因创造了一种新的风险缓解工具而闻名于世。不过在金融危机爆发后,有人指责她设计了一种“大规模杀伤性武器”。

    Ms Masters , 45 , was at the vanguard of the development of credit derivatives in the 1990s , credited with the creation of a new risk mitigation tool but after the crisis vilified as an architect of " weapons of mass destruction . "

  28. 马斯特斯18岁时就以实习生身份加入了摩根大通,她离开的原因是另一个她大力扶持的项目——摩根大通大宗商品交易部门——遭遇挫折。马斯特斯在过去6年里创建了这一部门,没想到只能依令将其出售。

    She is leaving the bank she joined as an 18-year-old intern because of the reversal in fortunes of another project whose growth she championed : JPMorgan 's trading in physical commodities , which Ms Masters built over the past six years only to be told to sell it off .