
  • 网络Strategic behavior
  1. 中国电信产业的网络瓶颈、策略性行为与接入管制

    The Bottleneck , Strategic Behavior and Access Regulation in China 's Telecommunications Industry

  2. 合作策略性行为的产业组织分析

    An Industrial Organization Analysis on Cooperative Strategic Behavior

  3. 在传统的投资回报率价格规制条件下,为获得更多的绝对利润,垄断企业会采取使用更多的资本投资代替其他要素投资的策略性行为,从而导致资本投资过剩,即A-J效应。

    In the traditional price regulation conditions , for the more absolute profits , monopoly enterprises will use more capital invest to alternative investment of other elements for the more absolute profits , leading to excessive capital investment , which means A-J effect .

  4. 商户受理银行卡支付方式的策略性行为研究

    The Economics Analysis of whether Merchant Accept Bank Card

  5. 接着,分别提出在理论上解决悖论的一些方法和垄断厂商在实践中采取的一些策略性行为。

    The thirdly , provide some methods of solving paradox in theory and practice .

  6. 供求特征、策略性行为对市场结构的作用机理研究

    Research on the Influence of Supply & Demand Characteristic and Strategy Behavior on Market Structure

  7. 这一模型可以用来解释现实中常常发生的一种卖方策略性行为。

    This model can be used to explain a strategic behavior of seller in reality .

  8. 中期策略性行为分析

    An Analysis On Midterm Strategic Behavior

  9. 本文从产业组织角度分析了几种主要的中期策略性行为,包括:空间先占权与产品扩散策略、预告产品信息、需求结构锁定策略、提高对手成本和过度生产能力投资。

    Product preannouncements ; locking the demand structure ; raising rivals ' costs and excessive production capacity investment .

  10. 本文将系统竞争和组件竞争结合起来,分析系统市场中的企业策略性行为及其对市场竞争和创新的影响。

    Based on system competition and component competition , this paper analyzes the influence of strategic behavior on competition and innovation .

  11. 本文将通过模型来分析国有企业在软预算约束下会采取的策略性行为及其后果。

    This paper analyzes the strategic behaviors of state-owned enterprises under soft budget constraint during economy transition and the market results .

  12. 政府管制会直接影响市场结构和绩效,也会通过不同市场主体的策略性行为,以及产权等因素间接影响市场结构和绩效。

    Regulations affect market performance not only directly through market structure but also indirectly through some maneuver behaviors and property right .

  13. 按行为调整和作用的时间长短,可以将策略性行为分为短期策略性行为、中期策略性行为和长期策略性行为。

    Based on the time about adjusting the behavior and action , we can divide the strategic behavior into long-term , midterm and short-term .

  14. 策略性行为会削弱基本养老保险制度的老年保障能力,影响财务平衡的实现,损害制度的经济效率,因此需要采取适当措施进行矫正。

    For strategic behaviors weakening the security ability of pension , affecting the financial balance and harming economic efficiency , corrective measures should be taken .

  15. 本文以中国市场为背景研究基于产品选择的非合作策略性行为,并且将其具体到三种策略手段上。

    This thesis researches the uncooperative strategic behavior based on products-selecting which uses China market as the background , and applying it to three strategic approaches .

  16. 最后,联系实际,运用企业策略性行为理论分析培育企业专有技术的优化策略及提出采取的措施。

    Finally , with practice , by using the corporate theory the paper analyzes the optimization strategy to cultivate enterprise know-how and measures that enterprises should take .

  17. 从某种程度上说,语言本身就是一种策略性行为,而学生采用什么学习策略又和他们的学习态度、学习观念和学习能力分不开。

    To some extent , language is a type of strategic actions . The strategies employed by the learners are closely related to their attitudes , learning beliefs and capability .

  18. 而下级地方政府作为独立的经济利益主体,为谋求自己独立的地方利益,往往采取策略性行为,从而形成上下级政府之间的博弈。

    And as an independent economic interest body , the local government usually takes strategy behavior to seek its local interest , which forms the game between the upper and lower governments .

  19. 分析表明了:家族企业组织演进是家族企业所有者为获取竞争优势的策略性行为,同时企业的产业性进入壁垒也是影响产业内家族企业组织演进的重要参数。

    The analysis indicates that the evolution of family business is the tactic conduct of owner obtaining the competitive dominance and that the entrance rampart of industry is an important parameter affecting organization evolution .

  20. 第五章分析港口民营化中,拥有市场力量的港口企业可能采取的策略性行为,为规制改革提供企业行为基础。

    Finally , chapter 5 deals with the strategic / tactical behavior being probably taken by the quasi-monopoly firms during the process of privatization so as to provide regulatory reform with the basic firm behavior analysis .

  21. 文章通过在豪泰林空间差异模型的基础上结合转移成本构建的博弈模型,主要研究转移成本和产品差异的存在对于企业价格竞争和策略性行为的影响。

    This article examines the effect of product difference and switching costs on price competition and strategic behavior of firms . The game models are developed based on the Hotelling 's model of spatial differentiation with switching costs .

  22. 研究了产品定价的主要实用方法,包括单一产品的定价方法、多种产品的定价方法以及企业策略性行为与定价方法,对部分定价方法进行了扩展与深化。

    Researches the primary product pricing methods , includes the single - product pricing methods , the multi-products pricing methods and the enterprise strategic behaviors & pricing methods , part of these pricing methods are extended and deepened .

  23. 本文的一个重点是运用数理模型分析消费者和商户的信用卡使用行为,从银行卡对商户策略性行为的影响出发,考虑受理环境对消费者的影响、对商户受理信用卡的行为。

    One of the key content is to analyze the credit card usage behaviors of the consumers and commercial tenants , to consider how the environment can influence the behaviors of consumers and merchants from bank card business strategy on commercial tenants .

  24. 分析了电力市场的基本特征,运用古诺模型对电力市场特征引发的发电商行为效应进行分析,指出利润最大化的动机促使电力市场中以合谋为表现形式的策略性行为产生。

    Major features of power market are analyzed , and Cournot-model is used to describe the behavior effectiveness induced by market features . The motive of profit-maximizing results in collusion , which is one of the tactic actions in power market is introduced .

  25. 据此所构建的模型,旨在分析双方在纵向一体化之后的策略性行为,同时研究了纵向一体化的共谋效应和效率效应,并借助最终产品的差别程度分析了纵向一体化对消费者的影响。

    A model , designed accordingly , gives an analysis of the both sides ' tactical behavior after integration , studying efficiency gains and collusive effect , and with the help of product differentiation , evaluating whether a vertical integration tends to benefit or harm consumers .

  26. 电力市场中发电商的策略性竞价行为研究

    Study on Strategic Bidding Behavior of Generation Companies in Electricity Markets

  27. 电力市场中发电商策略性投标行为的理论与实证研究

    Theory and Demonstration Research about Strategic Bidding of Power Plants in Power Market

  28. 企业策略性捐赠行为研究:慈善投入的视角

    A Study on Dealing of Corporate Strategic Philanthropy

  29. 为了稳定社会秩序和掩饰项目实施过程中的非正当行为,村干部采取了策略性的行为。

    In order to maintain social order and conceal the informal activities , village cadres take some strategic actions .

  30. 本论文研究结果表明,电力市场中的策略性投标行为产生的结果有可能和应用传统经济学理论研究得到的结果不同。

    The paper research manifests that the result by strategic bidding behavior in power market might differs from the result by applying traditional economics theory .