
cè huà
  • plan;design;plot;engineer;scheme;strategy;orchestrate;mastermind;hatch
策划 [cè huà]
  • [design;plot;scheme;hatch;mastermind;plan] 设计规划;密谋计划。也作策画

  • 值班人员会立刻断定这是存心策划安排的

  • 策划政变

策划[cè huà]
  1. H房地产公司B项目策划

    The Plan of Project B of H Real Estate Corporation COMPANY

  2. 他们,均来自于国际、国内4A公司,以及本土著名策划公司。

    They , come from internationally , domestic4A Corporation , as well as native place famous plan company .

  3. 这位乐队鼓手是他们最近一次活动的策划人。

    The band 's drummer is the brains behind their latest venture .

  4. 她开始周密策划准备逃走。

    She began to lay her plans for her escape .

  5. 人们怀疑军方在策划政变。

    Military officers were suspected of plotting a coup .

  6. 他们被指控密谋策划谋杀。

    They were charged with conspiracy to murder .

  7. 财政部长将继续策划波兰的经济改革。

    The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland 's economic reform

  8. 竞选策划人士认为该计划是一着巧妙的政治棋。

    Campaign strategists are calling the plan a clever political gambit .

  9. 我们有书面证据证明他们正在策划军事行动。

    We have documentary evidence that they were planning military action .

  10. 他们精心策划故意遗失了数万份申请书。

    They somehow contrived to lose tens of thousands of applications .

  11. 该乐队目前正在策划在美国举办一系列演唱会。

    The band are currently planning a series of Stateside gigs .

  12. 打造成功企业的关键之一就是要精心策划。

    One of the keys to successful business is careful planning .

  13. 情报机构策划了一项暗杀陆军部长的重大计划。

    The intelligence service conceived a grand design to assassinate the War Minister .

  14. 巧妙策划的广告会引诱更多的人吸烟。

    Clever advertising would seduce more people into smoking .

  15. 他无法再忍受,便策划了出逃。

    He could stand no more and engineered an escape

  16. 很多暴力事件是流氓团伙成员暗中策划的。

    Gang members were behind a lot of the violence

  17. 晚会策划极为详细。

    The party was planned in the minutest detail .

  18. 有人策划了一个不可告人的阴谋要将他们排斥在权力中心之外。

    There has been a murky conspiracy to keep them out of power .

  19. 他肯定是一时冲动策划了这个阴谋。

    He must have cooked up his scheme on the spur of the moment .

  20. 今天早上的攻击似乎是经过精心策划、想要尽量减少伤亡的。

    It seems that the attack this morning was very carefully planned to cause few casualties

  21. 这次袭击是预先策划好的。

    The attack was premeditated and preplanned .

  22. 有证据表明共计13人参与策划了这起谋杀。

    There was evidence that thirteen people in all had taken part in planning the murder .

  23. 一个阴谋在暗中策划着。

    A plot was hatched with secrecy .

  24. 你们在策划什么阴谋?

    What plot are you brewing ?

  25. 据说绑架杜兹是汤姆策划的。

    Tom was alleged to be the brains behind the Dozier kidnapping .

  26. 情报人员报告说,敌军正在策划发动新攻势。

    Intelligence has ( have ) reported that enemy is planning a new attack .

  27. 争论激烈地进行下去;恫吓显然是经过精心策划的。

    The argument raged on and on ; the intimidation was obviously carefully planned .

  28. 他们共同策划写了一封信。

    Between them they concocted a letter .

  29. 玻利维亚政府声称在圣克鲁斯酒店被警察击毙的一名爱尔兰人,一名匈牙利裔玻利维亚人和另外一人正在策划暗杀总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯,这一声明受到挑战。

    Bolivia 's government faced questions over its claim that an irishman , a Hungarian-Bolivian and another man killed by police in a hotel in Santa Cruz were plotting to murder the president , evo morales .

  30. 你无法策划创新,但是你可以增加它发生的可能性。

    You can 't engineer innovation , but you can increase the odds of it occurring .