
cè shì
  • Strategist;schemer;plotter;machinator;scheming person;member of a brain trust;conspirator
策士 [cè shì]
  • [conspirator;machinator;plotter] 善于运用计谋的人;谋士

策士[cè shì]
  1. 试论《战国策》中策士的悲剧

    On the Tragedy of Tacticians in The Record of Warring States

  2. 夹缝之水&战国策士流性思维管窥水力割缝工具射流工艺参数设计研究

    Design Study on Spouted Water Process Parameters of Hydraulic Incision Facility

  3. 策士游说对我们今天的说服传播有着重要启迪意义。

    Strategists ' canvassing has an important inspiration significance to today .

  4. 通过三方面的比较考察二书笔下策士的差异。

    Through three aspects of the comparative study of the works policymakers differences .

  5. 第二部分,概述《史记》中策士形象的特征。

    The second part , outlines " Shihchi " center the strategist image characteristic .

  6. 战国策士产生于一个特殊的历史时期,其言行也具有独特性。

    Warring States policymakers have in a special historical period , their words and deeds also unique .

  7. 我们的奇妙策士耶稣,是我们的导航者,祂引领我们安然度过此生。

    As our Wonderful Counselor , Jesus serves as our navigator to guide us safely through life .

  8. 策士,是伴随着战国烽火硝烟而兴起的一个特殊的阶层。

    Advisors , is accompanied by the Warring States flames and smoke rise of a special class .

  9. 罗十一34谁曾知道主的心思,谁曾作过他的策士?

    Rom.11:34 For who has known the mind of the Lord , or who has become His counselor ?

  10. 他名称为奇妙,策士,全能的上帝,永在的父,和平的君。

    And he will be called Wonderful Counselor , Mighty God , Everlasting Father , Prince of Peace .

  11. 二书记载策士行为事迹在看似相同的情况下,其实存在着很大的不同。

    The book records policymakers appear in the deeds of the same circumstances , there are in fact quite different .

  12. 这是老巴勒策士的小试权术,他因此觉得很放心了。

    It was a bit of the art of an Old Bailey tactician , in which he found great relief .

  13. 策士的代表苏秦、张仪等在产生的时代就被当作反面的教材,加以指责。

    Su Qin representatives policymakers , in the Yi , and other times has been as negative materials to be blamed .

  14. 战国策士的游说对后来的唐代士人的政治生活产生过深刻的影响。

    The political lives of the Tang Dynasty were deeply affected by the canvassing of the schemers of the Warring States .

  15. 本文认为,司马迁因个人的悲剧命运,把自己的人生理想寄予在策士的身上。

    This article believed that , Sima Qian because of individual tragedy destiny , ideally places own life on strategist 's body .

  16. 本文包括三个部分:第一部分,《史记》与《战国策》策士形象比较。

    This article including three parts : The first part , " Shihchi " and " Chankuots'e " the strategist image compares .

  17. 儒士之辩与策士之辩&试比较《孟子》与《战国策》的辩辞

    Debate with the plotter one in the debating of Confucian scholar & compare between the excuse of Mencius and the Warring States scheme

  18. 成功后的策士都具有强烈的复仇意识,这也是不屈于命运的一种抗争。

    After the success of the policymakers have a strong sense of revenge , this is unyielding on the fate of a protest .

  19. 本文跳出了文本的樊篱,以战国时谋臣策士的进谏策略为切入点,进行了深入的分析。

    This thesis deeply analyses the advising strategy of brain trusters and schemers in Warring States Period as an entrance out of the restriction of the text .

  20. 在政治领域内,秦汉之际诸侯分立与争战的政治格局是纵横策士赖以存在的社会基础,同时也为他们提供了广阔的历史活动舞台。

    In the political sphere , the political pattern of dukes ' divisions and struggles provided social circumstances and broad historical stage for the political counselors ' living .

  21. 作为言语形式,策士讽谏语有时代的特殊性,也有其存在的必然性,更有对其进行研究的必要性。

    First , as a form of speech , the allegorical language has the particularity of the times , the inevitability of the existence and the necessity of study .

  22. 本文以此为切入点,通过详细比较两书中的策士形象,从而归纳出《史记》中策士形象的基本特征。

    This article take this as point , through in detail compares in two books the strategist images , thus induces " Shihchi " center the strategist image basic characteristic .

  23. 作为策士代言体的《战国策》,无论从政治、经济,还是思想文化方面,都带有乱世的特征,社会处在一个大的转型变革时期。

    As policymakers speak of the " Warring States ", whether from the political , economic , ideological or cultural context , it carries the characteristics of chaos in the society in a big transition period of reform .

  24. 本文运用语用学领域的言语行为理论、关联理论、语用顺应理论、语用距离理论、面子威胁行为理论、会话含意理论等理论工具对策士讽谏语语用策略进行分析和归纳。

    The research analyses and induces the pragmatic strategies making use of speech act theory , relevance theory , adaption theory , distance theory , face - menace theory and conversational implicative theory of the field of pragmatics .

  25. 本文认为,《史记》中关于战国时代的材料虽然多采自《战国策》,但其所描绘的策士形象却与《战国策》中的策士形象有了显著的区别。

    This article believed , " Shihchi " center about Warring States time material although picks from " Chankuots'e ", but its describes the strategist image the center strategist image had the remarkable difference actually with " Chankuots'e " .

  26. 如何正确的评价策士在我国古代社会的功过,得失,是非,关系着我们怎样批判的继承古人的智慧和遗产。

    How to correctly evaluate the policymakers in our country the merits and demerits of ancient society , gains and losses , right and wrong , how can we criticize the relationship between the inheritance of ancient wisdom and heritage .

  27. 笔者认为:相较《战国策》,《史记》中的策士全部都加上了穷而后工的内容,他们在成功前大都遭遇困境,然而顽强不服输的性格使得他们最终获得成功。

    I believe that : Compared with the " war policy ", " Historical Records " of all the advisers added , " then the poor ", most of them before the successful experience difficulties , but indomitable spirit of character makes them ultimately successful .

  28. 如果从道德角度评价策士,对于他们的人生价值观,我们要辨证的看待和吸取;如果从政治角度来评判,策士的功绩的确是不可磨灭的,他们为社会历史的发展作出了极大的贡献。

    If the moral evaluation of advisors , for their values of life , we have to look at and learn from dialectical if judged from a political perspective , the policymakers is indeed indelible contributions for their social and historical development has made great contribution .

  29. 战国时代是中国历史上政治形式最复杂、战争最频繁、价值观最多元的时代,相应地,也是策士谋臣们最活跃的时代,讽谏语也因此成为这个时代最引人注目的语言现象。

    The Period of Warring States is the time that has the most complicated political situation , the most frequent war , and the most pluralistic values in Chinese history . The plotters were active and the allegorical language became the striking linguistic feature in the time .