
  • 网络Liu Pi
  1. 如吴王刘濞有3郡,计53县。

    Take Prince Wu , Liu Bi as an example , he had three prefectures that embraced 53 counties .

  2. 刘濞不仅不退兵,还公开声言要夺皇位。

    However , not only did Liu Bi withdraw the army , but also he proclaimed that he would seize the emperorship as well .

  3. 因封地临近海滨,有海盐之利,刘濞便利用流亡人口与奴录,并付给践更卒以佣费,煮海水为盐。

    As his fief was near seashore , sea salt was easy to be obtained . Liu Bi applied population-in-exile and slaves to boil sea water for making salt and paid them lower commission .

  4. “七国之乱”是以刘邦之侄吴王刘濞为首发动的一次同姓王联合大叛乱。

    This plan resulted in the rebellion of seven princedoms , which was an insurrection launched by the princes of royal blood with the Prince Wu Liu Bi , the nephew of Emperor Gao Zu Liu Bang as the head .

  5. 刘濞蓄谋叛乱,为时已久。于公元前154年以“诛晃错,清君侧”为名,串通楚、赵、胶西、胶东、菌川、济南六国的诸侯王,发动了联合叛乱。

    Having been plotting for a long time , in 154 B. C. , Liu Bi allied with kingdoms of Chu , Zhao , Jiaodong , Jiaoxi , Zichuan , and Jinan staged a revolt , in the name of getting rid of Chao Cuo .