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  • 网络Liu Ji;Po-En Liu
  1. 他的贴身智囊刘伯温最终想出了一个绝妙的点子。

    Chu 's close advisor , Liu Po-wen , finally came up with a brilliant idea .

  2. 刘伯温就是在这儿出生的。

    Liu Bowen was born here .

  3. 相传明代的大臣刘伯温,在那里埋了一口缸。

    It is said Liu Bowen , a minister of the Ming Dynasty , buried a big jar over there .

  4. 一日,国师刘伯温送去一碗鸡肉,朱元璋吃后赞不绝口,问:这是何物?

    Once the national mastermind Liu Bowen brings him a bowl of chicken , Zhu Yuanzhang praises it repeatedly after eating that and askes what it is .

  5. 本文通过大量的史料、文人笔记以及民间传说文本,具体的研究了刘伯温这样一个具有历史、传说双重形象的历史人物传奇化的过程。

    Through massive historical data , the writer s ' notes as well as the folklore text , this paper studies the legend process of Liu Bowen whose image is both historical and legend .

  6. 刘伯温想了想,答曰:此鸡产自浙江仙居,冠黄、羽黄、啄黄,体小肉健、美味可口、营养丰富,型如元宝,又名元宝鸡。

    Liu Bowen thinks for a while and says the chicken is originated from Xianju of Zhejiang . It is shaped like a gold ingot with yellow crest , feather and mouth so that it is also called ingot chicken . The small but lean body makes it delicious and nutritious .