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shì jiā móu ní
  • Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism
释迦牟尼 [shì jiā mù ní]
  • [Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism] (公元前563-485)也叫释伽文佛,佛教创始人

释迦牟尼[shì jiā móu ní]
  1. 最后,释迦牟尼说:这个商人,就是你们自己。

    Finally , Sakyamuni said : This businessman is yourself .

  2. 弥勒菩萨将会是历史上释迦牟尼佛的继承者。

    Maitreya Bodhisattva will be the successor of the historic Sakyamuni Buddha .

  3. 释迦牟尼因此得以继续他的旅程。

    Sakyamuni was thus able to continue his journey .

  4. 你们知道释迦牟尼佛救度那个杀生的人的故事吗?

    Do you remember the story of how Shakyamuni Buddha delivered a murderer ?

  5. 教师进修的制度是释迦牟尼佛首创的。

    The continuing education system for teachers was first established by Buddha Shakyamuni .

  6. 有一天,他从很远的地方回来,拜访释迦牟尼佛。

    On one occasion , mahakasyapa returned from far away to see Shakyamuni buddha .

  7. 如弥勒菩萨于释迦牟尼佛之后,候补作佛。

    For example , Maitreya Bodhisattva became a candidate for Buddhahood after Shakyamuni buddha .

  8. 为释迦牟尼的右胁侍,“华严三圣”之一。

    He is the right retinue , one of the Three Saints of Hua-yen .

  9. 后来有人介绍我去学释迦牟尼的教义&佛。

    Then someone introduced me to the life and teaching of Sakyamuni , the Buddha .

  10. 凄惨的呼叫声传遍四野,也传进了释迦牟尼佛的耳朵。

    The deplorable howl went the rounds , and also went into Sakyamuni 's ears .

  11. 教主释迦牟尼佛本来已达到没有病痛的境界。

    Sakyamuni Buddha originally attained to the state of Suchness , where sicknesses are absent .

  12. 一个接着一个,释迦牟尼以他的智慧和美德征服了他们。

    One by one , Gautama met the armies and defeated them with his virtue .

  13. 释迦牟尼又一次完成了生物提升,而又一次他的信徒没一个成功。

    Buddha also completed a biological ascension , and again , none of his disciples followed .

  14. 释迦牟尼佛在看着你。

    Shakyamuni Buddha looking at you .

  15. 释迦牟尼佛日所有善恶行其业果报都会翻100倍。

    Shakyamuni Buddha Day karmic effects of all positive or negative actions are multiplied By100 times .

  16. 这些祖先并不包括类似释迦牟尼佛这样实际上精通了第四维度的生物肉体。

    Such ancestors do not include those like Buddha who actually mastered a fourth dimensional biology ;

  17. 你们知道为什么释迦牟尼佛要在菩提树下打坐49天吗?

    So you know why Shakyamuni Buddha went to sit under the boddhi tree for49 days ?

  18. 壁画上是释迦牟尼在说法。

    The mural depicts Sakyamuni teaching .

  19. 事实上,本片正是以佛祖释迦牟尼及甘地传达非暴力的要求。

    In fact , there is a plea for non-violence with reference to both Buddha and Gandhi .

  20. 当战斗结束的时候,释迦牟尼明白了人们受苦的最根本原因,并且知道怎么去消灭烦恼。

    As the struggle ended , he realized the cause of suffering and how to remove it .

  21. 唰——俄底修斯到哪儿去了?约伯到哪儿去了?本庇特、释迦牟尼和耶稣到哪儿去了?

    Whisk-and where was Odysseus , where was Job , where were Jupiter and Gotama and Jesus ?

  22. 我曾在尼泊尔呆过,那里古代属印度,是释迦牟尼的故乡。

    I used to work in Nepal , the home town of Buddha in ancient Indian time .

  23. 像印度以前也有很多教派,那为什么应该找释迦牟尼佛呢?

    Applause there were many religious paths in ancient india , but why did people follow Shakyamuni buddha ?

  24. 全世界佛教徒都承认这是释迦牟尼佛仅存世上的两颗真身牙舍利。

    The whole world Buddhists have admitted that Sakyamuni is only exist on the two body tooth relic .

  25. 释迦牟尼佛的堂弟,他跟随佛陀到每一个地方,但他从来没有喜欢过佛陀。

    Remember , Devadatta , cousin of the Buddha Sakyamuni , following Buddha everywhere , he never like Buddha .

  26. 克孜尔石窟99与175窟:两个强调释迦牟尼佛最后身的中心柱窟

    No.99 and No.175 Grotto of Kizil Caves & Two Central Tower Grotto Stressed the Ultimate Body of the Buddha

  27. 释迦牟尼是地球人类的遗传档案中所知的最后一次生物提升。

    Buddha is the last known biological ascension contained within the genetic archives of the human species on Earth .

  28. 佛陀由大悲所成,这也是释迦牟尼佛尽力帮助大众的原因。

    The Buddha is made of a lot of compassion , and that is why Shakyamuni Buddha tried to help .

  29. 释迦牟尼佛留在石头上的脚印。中国云南省的瑞丽热带雨林。

    Foot print of Saykamuni Buddha left on a rock in Rui Li rain forest in Yunan province , china .

  30. 在分身佛齐聚后,释迦牟尼佛做了一个手印,突然,多宝佛塔的门大开。

    Then with all these manifested bodies , Shakyamuni made a gesture , and suddenly the door of the stupa opened .