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bā zì
  • character "八";Eight Characters;horoscope;like the character 八;character 八;eight characters in four pairs,with each pair consisting of one 天干 and 地支,indicating the year,month,day and hour of one's birth,used formerly in fortune-telling
八字 [bā zì]
  • (1) [character 八]∶汉字八

  • (2) [horoscope;eight characters in four pairs,with each pair consisting of one 天干 and 地支,indicating the year,month,day and hour of one's birth,used formerly in fortune-telling]∶用天干和地支表示一个人出生的年、月、日、时的八个字,算命者认为从生辰八个字可推算一个人的命运;旧时还用于婚配中的算命

  • 问八字

  • 八字不合

八字[bā zì]
  1. 人们通常采用传统农历中代表一个人出生年、月、日和时辰的所谓“生辰八字”来算命。

    Fortunetelling uses what is called the " eight characters " representing the year , month , day and hour of a person 's date of birth in the traditional lunar calendar .

  2. 他留着浓密的八字须。

    He wore a full moustache .

  3. 衙门八字开,有理无钱莫进来。

    Although the yamen gate is open wide you still can 't go in if you don 't have the money .

  4. 喜事准备得怎样了?&八字呢。

    How are the wedding preparations going ? & oh , we haven 't even started yet .

  5. 当然还要让他们感到自己与众不同:当我的包装精美、双袖头、收身、八字领衬衫从MS寄到时,它像是一份早来的生日礼物。

    And making them feel special , of course : when my beautifully packaged , double-cuff , slim-fit , cutaway collar shirt arrived from MS , it was like an early birthday present .

  6. 这种学校的私人主动性是故意扼杀了ABA的认证机构所控制,每一个亲手挑选雇员或朋友到学校八字脱落酸ABA的路线。

    The private initiative of such schools is deliberately choked off by the controlling ABA accreditors , each a hand-picked employee of or friend to the ABA schools toeing the ABA line .

  7. 融合纺锤体及八字形纺锤体形成的2n花粉占2n花粉总数的94.8%,在遗传上等同于FDR(firstdivisionrestitution,第1次分裂重组)型配子;

    94.8 % of 2n pollen formation was controlled by fused spindles and triangle spindles , which were genetically equivalent to first division restitution ( FDR ) type of gamete formation .

  8. 术后(7.0±2.4)个月彩色多普勒速度图(CDV)示激光孔道存在,孔道形状呈现直线型、角型、八字型、钩型及斜线型等多样化。

    The color Doppler velocity demonstrated the presence of the laser channel at ( 7.0 ± 2.4 ) months postoperatively . The type of the channel looked like straight line , angular , chinese number of eight , hook or slanting , etc.

  9. 我爸妈叫我们去算算八字。

    But my parents want us to go to a fortune-teiier .

  10. 滑冰的造型既在冰上划出一个八字。

    A skating figure that carves an 8 in the ice .

  11. 地铁车辆段咽喉区八字式洗车线布置的优化

    Optimization of Washing Track Arrangement of Throat Area in Metro Depot

  12. 幸运的是,我的八字不错,她说道。

    Luckily , she says , my feng shui was fine .

  13. 八字功乃是致用之功拳。

    Eight words skill is practical boxing with real application .

  14. 他看上去相当苍老,两撇八字胡须已经灰白了。

    He seemed to be fairly old for his moustache was ashen-grey .

  15. 我们从来没想到他是个如八字时间此勇敢的小战士。

    I never thought that he should be such a brave young soldier .

  16. 几乎没有学生喜欢他,一个留着八字须的人。

    Few students like him who has a moustache .

  17. 八字方针,核心是调整。

    The essence of the eight-character policy is readjustment .

  18. 他灰白的头发和八字须修剪得很整洁。

    His grey hair and moustache were neatly trimmed .

  19. 同样,缠绕四次也只能形成一种绳结,叫做八字结。

    Similarly , there is only one four-crossing knot , the figure eight .

  20. 当时他已经刮去了他标志性的大胡子和八字须。

    He had shaved his signature beard and moustache .

  21. 八字形刚架拱桥的压力线控制区研究

    Research on the Control Area of Pressure Line of Eight-Shaped Rigid-Frame Arch Bridge

  22. 四步八字教学法的实践与探索

    A probe into the " four-step eight-character " teaching method its teaching practice

  23. 我还得留着八字胡好让大家能认出我来

    I 've had to grow this moustache just so people will recognise me

  24. 钢-混凝土复合结构八字形刚构拱桥的探索

    Exploration of New Steel-Concrete Composite Chorded Arch Bridge

  25. 我让她考虑了,八字已有一撇。

    I got her to agree to consider you . you 're halfway in .

  26. 八字形钢-混凝土组合拱桥的抗震性能研究

    Seismic Performance of Chorded Steel-Concrete Composite Arch Bridge

  27. 她走路时两脚呈内八字。

    Her feet turn in as she walks .

  28. 近代成都道教活动管窥&从《八字功过格》说起

    On Modern Taoist Activities in Chengdu as Reflected in Ba Zi Gong Guo Ge

  29. 纯白色的衬衣,法式袖子和中等八字领。

    The shirt would be plain white , with French cuffs and a medium-spread collar .

  30. 他皱了皱眉头,捻弄了一下他的八字须。

    He frowned and twirled his moustaches .