
  • 网络Barkhor Street;Bar-skor;Barkhor;Bakor Street
  1. 箱式变电站八廓街房屋的类型学

    Box-type Transformer Substation TYPOLOGY OF HOUSE IN BARKHOR STREET

  2. 八廓街宗教氛围浓厚,呈现出拉萨的原貌。

    The streets are full of religious atmosphere and show the original Lhasa .

  3. 《热闹的八廓街》环绕大昭寺外墙一圈称为“八廓”,大昭寺外辐射出的街道叫“八廓街”即八角街。

    The noisy Bakuo Street : The area around Dazhao Temple called " Bakuo ", while the streets around Dazhao Temple called " Bakuo streets " o " r Bajiao streets " .