
  1. 饮茶之风也传播到边境少数民族,出现了茶马互市。

    Tea spread to the border of ethnic minorities where tea-horse trade appeared .

  2. 这里曾经是茶马互市的中心。

    There was once a Tea-Horse trade center .

  3. 明代官营茶马互市衰亡的原因&从明政府的茶马互市政策方面分析

    On the Main Causes for the Decline of Tea-Horse Trade in Ming Dynasty & An Analysis of the Cause from the Policy Perspective

  4. 茶马互市源于唐代,兴于宋代,盛于明代,衰于清代。

    Tea-horse trade originated in the Tang Dynasty , prevailed in the Song Dynasty , flourished in the Ming Dynasty , and declined in the Qing Dynasty .

  5. 并以此为前提制定了茶叶经济政策尤其是茶马互市政策,一方面垄断茶马市场;

    Based on this , the tea economic policy , and especially the policy of exchange between tea and horses were set up . Therefore , the markets of tea and horses were monopolized .

  6. 并在此基础上,指出了此专题研究中存在的几个问题,希望运用新的思维视角,对明代的茶马互市政策予以客观认识和评价。

    And on this basis , it points out the project research few problems in , hoping to use the new thought angle , to the Ming dynasty tea horse frontier trade policies shall be objective recognition and evaluation .

  7. 在上述各个时期,朝廷大都关注茶马互市的推行,尤其是明朝和清初,统治者着重管理,力求有序进行,并取得了一定的成效。

    In each of these periods , the court concerned about the tea-horse trade most of the implementation , especially in the Ming Dynasty and early Qing rulers focused on management , and strive in an orderly manner , and have achieved some results .

  8. 茶马古道源于茶马互市,就茶马互市而言,是在封建国家的范围内,由政府主持和组织的一种易货贸易,即是以物易物的一种交换活动。

    Tea Horse Road from the tea-horse trade , on the tea-horse trade , it is a feudal state in the context of government-sponsored and organized by the kind of barter trade , that is , a barter exchange activity .

  9. 茶马古道源于古代西南边疆的茶马互市兴于唐宋盛于明�西南茶马古道越过中国的边境迎来了远自罗马的商人与旅�将这片古老土地与世界相连

    Built thousands of years ago , the southwestern tea and silk road gaveaccess tothe world beyond China 's borders , carrying tradesmen and travellers fromas far away asRome .