
chá shān
  • Tea Mountain;mountain where tea is grown
  1. 停车场里泊满了一排排崭新的轿车和运动型多功能车(SUV),在葱翠的茶山和著名的紫金山映衬下,显得格外耀眼。

    The rows of car lots filled with shiny new sedans and sport utility vehicles stand out against the backdrop of lush tea-growing hills and the legendary Purple Mountain .

  2. 茶山国家级生态示范区;

    Tea Mountain National Ecological Demonstration Area ;

  3. 怒江小流域土地利用变化及人文驱动力分析&以茶山小流域为例

    A study on the driving forces of land-use changes in a small watershed of the Nujiang

  4. 强烈的爱国热情和儒者情怀使茶山与杜甫在精神上形成契合。

    The same passionate patriotism and Confucian sentiment made him correspond to Du Fu in spirit .

  5. 报导说,警方正在调查昭通市镇雄县五德镇茶山煤矿爆炸的原因。

    The report says police are investigating the cause of the blast at the Chashan Coal Mine .

  6. 茶山丁若镛是朝鲜历史上罕见的善鸣者。

    Cha Shan , whose real name is Ding Ruoyong is a rare and great speaker in Korean history .

  7. 温州市汇众服饰有限公司坐落在风景秀丽的浙江温州高教园区茶山镇。

    Wenzhou Huizhong Clothing Co. , LTD , locating in the scenic city of Chashan Higher Education Zone in Wenzhou , Zhejiang province .

  8. 衡阳盆地盐类矿产有石盐、钙芒硝、硬石膏(石膏),均产于下第三系霞流市组茶山坳段中。

    Salt resources of halite , glauberite , anhydrite and gypsum in Hengyang basin occur in Cashan'ao layer of Xialiushi formation within lower Tertiary system .

  9. 通过影子地块在茶山森林公园经济林林地评估中应用的实例分析,解决了土地立地条件差异明显、均质性差而带来的评估技术上的难题。

    Taking Wenzhou Chashan Forest Park as an example , we solved technical problem on woodland evaluation which is caused by the obvious differences of site condition .

  10. 茶山实学涉及天文,地理,医学,政治,经济,文学,水利等方面,并在诸多领域中取得很高成就。

    The subjects of Ta-san Practical Learning involved astronomy , geography , medicine , politics , literature and water conservancy , in which great achievements were made .

  11. 目的:为有效保护和合理利用山东茶山国家级生态示范区植物资源提供科学依据。

    Objective : The research is to provide the basis for effective protection and wise utilization of the plants resources in Tea Mountain National Ecological Demonstration Area of Shandong Province .

  12. 提出位于茶山北麓的银坑溪,是佛山市范围内一处颇具特色、尚待开发的自然风景区,是发展观瀑旅游的好地方;

    The article observes that Yin Keng Stream located at the northern foot of Cha Mountain is a characteristic scenic area in Foshan to be developed , and it is a favourite place for viewing the waterfall .