
chá yè dàn
  • Tea egg;eggs stewed in tea
茶叶蛋 [chá yè dàn]
  • [egg boiled in tea] 加茶叶与佐料煮的鸡蛋

  1. 截至周一下午,“茶叶蛋”已经成为新浪微博(SinaWeibo)上讨论最热烈的话题,该节目视频的网上浏览次数已超过195000次。

    By Monday afternoon , ' tea eggs ' had soared to rank as the most-discussed topic on Sina Weibo , with Mr. Gao 's original TV clip gaining more than 195000 views online .

  2. 他们吃茶叶蛋就像新西兰人吃薯片一样。

    They eat tea eggs just like how Kiwis eat chips .

  3. 几乎吧,我喜欢吃煎蛋和茶叶蛋。

    Lily : Almost , I like the fried egg and tea egg .

  4. 有些做茶叶蛋。

    Some are for the tea eggs .

  5. 我们的目的是向外来五香茶叶蛋展示美食文化的多元性,从而扩大到在中国的外来侨民和世界美食博览会之法国。

    Our objective is to present the diversity of food culture to thee-community and widen accessibility to expatriates and tourists in china .

  6. 还有一些人吃茶叶蛋和酸奶,虽然有营养,但味道实在不能接受。所以,我选择一根油条蘸着一碗豆浆吃。

    Also someone else choose eggs with yoghourt , but it is really hard to suffer the taste althought it 's nutrient .

  7. 在一个凉亭附近的人行道上,一群建筑工人正在剥茶叶蛋的壳。

    On a sidewalk near a gazebo , a group of construction workers cracked open eggs that had been boiled in tea .

  8. 面对宜家的驱逐,相亲团成员并没有屈服。坐在专用区里剥自制茶叶蛋的一名妇女说,我认为我们坐在这里和朋友聊天是完全正当的。

    ' I think it 's legitimate for us to sit here and chat with friends , 'said one woman who was sitting inside the zone peeling a home-made Chinese tea egg .

  9. 很多网民调侃高志斌,夸张地论说茶叶蛋对中国人的重要性,并假装赞同高志斌的观点,说茶叶蛋是多么让人梦寐以求的东西。

    Many mocked Mr. Gao online by waxing poetic on the importance of tea eggs for Chinese people and pretending to agree with Mr. Gao on how aspirational a good they remain .

  10. 早晨一睁眼就9点多了,本来想早起去城皇庙吃早点的,看来免费豆浆和爱吃的茶叶蛋也么有了。

    Eyes on the morning of a9:00 more , originally wanted to get up early to eat Shing Wong Temple breakfast , It seems free soya milk and eat the eggs as well .

  11. 多数人在评论中嘲笑了高志斌所谓大陆人吃不起茶叶蛋的观点。中国大陆的人均收入大约为7500美元,而一颗茶叶蛋的价格通常不足25美分。

    Most commenters mocked the idea that in China , where the average per capita income is about $ 7,500 , people couldn 't afford tea-flavored egg that generally cost less than 25 cents .

  12. 我妈的一个亲戚给我们买了几罐饮料,我们还带了一些菜和一袋子茶叶蛋到芜湖。

    My mum 's cousin bought us a couple bottles of drink and the nanny at my cousin 's house gave us a dozen tea eggs and some dried vegetables to take with us to Wuhu .

  13. 我觉得这里人好像把茶叶蛋当成零食一样,有时间就随手拿一个吃。

    It was surprising how the locals here treat tea eggs ( eggs boiled in a broth seasoned with tea , soy sauce and spices ), possibly one of my favorite food , as a snack !

  14. 记者无法联系到高志斌置评,不过他在去年11月份接受采访时重申了之前的感受。他称,超过一半的中国农村人的确消费不起茶叶蛋。

    Mr. Gao couldn 't be reached for comment , but he echoed his previous sentiments in a November interview , saying , ' Indeed , more than half of Chinese villages cannot afford even a tea egg . '

  15. 用茶叶制作松花蛋是传统工艺的做法,但其成本较高。

    To make preserved eggs with tea is the tranditional method with tranditional technology and high production coasts .

  16. 试验结果表明,山楂叶和柿子叶代替茶叶制作松花蛋,前者在蛋白的凝固方面优于后者,松花蛋的色泽前者比后者浅,但却很鲜艳,并且有很多大而清晰的松花。

    The results of this experiment showed that how leaves and persimmon leaves can replace tea to manufacture preserved eggs .