
chá shānɡ
  • tea merchant;tea dealer
  1. 晋帮茶商衰落的深层次原因在于其代表的传统商贸活动方式不适应于社会化大生产和市场经济的发展要求。

    Shanxi Tea Merchant 's decadence because of their traditional commercial activities didn 't suit to large-scale socialized production and the development requirements of market economy .

  2. 清朝咸丰年间,广帮茶商开始在湖南试制红茶,转输欧美国家,由于其清香醇厚,欧美商人竞相选购。

    In XianFeng time of Qing dynasty , the tea merchant of Canton began to product black tea in Hunan and marketing to the United States and Europe , because of its rich fragrance , Europe and the United States competing to buy business .

  3. 那就是连锁茶商J.LyonsandCo。

    It was J. Lyons and Co , the teashop chain .

  4. 除了卖茶叶,茶商还对茶叶进行蒸馏和提炼,并将这些精华加入到口香糖、软饮料和润肤露中,在亚洲,神早还加入到KITKAT棒棒糖中。

    In addition to selling green tea leaves , tea merchants have distilled the brew 's essence and added it to gum , soft drinks and skin creams-even , in Asia , to Kit Kat candy bars .

  5. 明清陕西茶商研究

    The Study of Shann'xi Tea Trader at Ming and Qing Dynasty

  6. 第三部分则对祁门茶商与茶叶贸易状况进行了深入的探讨。

    And the third part thoroughly discusses the condition of tea merchants and tea business in Qimen .

  7. 唐代是我国茶叶生产和茶商贸易发展的一个重要时期。

    Tang Dynasty is an important period of the tea producing and tea trade development in our country .

  8. 明朝无论是茶禁立法还是执法实践都恪守严惩把关将吏和茶商违禁。

    Either its legislation or its execution strictly punishes violations on the part of checkpoint officers and officials and tea-traders .

  9. 研究明清陕西茶商的贸易活动对于研究这一时期西部茶叶贸易和经济发展状况极富典型意义。

    The study of tea trader in shann'xi has a representative meaning on the study of Midwest tea commerce and it 's economical development .

  10. 但由于其他产区茶商的大量收购,在市面上反而少见瑞里茶叶之名。

    However , because of a large number of purchasing by other productive area 's tea dealers , the name Ruili tea is seldom seen on the market .

  11. 王永庆1917年出生在台湾北部农村,父母都是不识字的茶商。当时台湾还是日本的殖民地。王永庆很快就显示出敏锐的商业头脑。

    Born to illiterate tea traders in rural Northern Taiwan in 1917 when the island was still a Japanese colony , Wang soon showed a keen sense for business .

  12. 近代以降,以祁红为大宗贸易的祁门茶叶贸易兴盛,祁门茶商遍及各大商埠,盛极一时。

    As a staple trade , the trade of Qimen Black tea has been flourishing , and the tea merchants have spread all over the big trading ports from modern times .

  13. 唐代茶叶消费需求日渐增多,这刺激了唐代茶叶的生产与贸易,形成了不同类型的茶商群体。

    During this period , there is an increasing number of consumer demands in tea products , which stimulates the tea production and trade in the Tang Dynasty and forms different types of merchant groups .

  14. 尤其是改革开放以来,在市场经济的推动下,安溪各生产铁观音的茶商逐步树立了品牌意识,形成特色品牌文化战略,安溪铁观音以全新的面貌展现在世人面前。

    Since the reform and opening up , driven by the market economy , the merchants of production of Tie Guan Yin tea in Anxi have been gradually establishing a brand awareness and forming the characteristics of the brand culture strategy .

  15. 山陕商人是我国明清时期最大的商人势力,他们由粮商、布商发展到盐商、茶商、票商,进而掌握了中国的经济命脉。

    The dominant merchant force in the Ming and Qing dynasties of China , the businessmen of Shanxi and Shaanxi province developed from grain and cloth merchants into salt , tea , and bill traders , and they then controlled the economic lifelines of the country .

  16. 自鸦片战争以后,开通五口通商,外国资本主义经济迅速侵入我国,茶叶市场非常活跃,本省茶商和外省茶商,相继来湘争购,此时茶价猛涨,促使茶叶收购量迅速增多。

    After the Opium War , opened five trade , rapid economic invasion of foreign capitalism , the tea market is very active , provincial merchants and merchants from other provinces had to come to Hunan to bid , this time the price of tea to promote a rapid increased .