
  • 网络Tea cup;tea bowl
  1. 茶盏,从腰间解下那只大口袋摆于案上。

    Tea , the solution descends that big pocket to put on the circumstance from the waist .

  2. 宋代最为流行的饮茶用具莫过于福建建窑所生产的黑釉茶盏。

    The most popular tea utensil in Song Dynasty is the black-glazed teacup of Jian kilns in Fujian Province .

  3. 茶盏的发展历程与各时代的历史背景、社会人文环境以及当时的茶文化相互作用相互影响。

    Tea cups in the process of development have interaction with the historical background , social environment and the tea culture in different times .

  4. 茶盏的发展经历了从无到有,从共用到专用的历程,是茶具发展的缩影和典型。

    Tea cups , growing out of nothing , from shared ones to private ones , becoming more and more dedicated , is a miniature and representative in the evolution process of tea sets .

  5. 天目釉茶盏最具时代艺术的温厚与含蓄,是实用与艺术的完美结合,是附丽与美丽的高度统一。

    Heaven eyes tea red glaze , the most gentle and subtle art of the era , is the perfect combination of art and practical , the attachment is a high degree of unity and beautiful .

  6. 建窑黑釉茶盏在宋代尤其是北宋中后期的兴起以及盛行一时并非偶然现象,而是与当时的社会人文环境和斗茶文化的发展密不可分。

    The rise and prevalence of the black-glazed teacup from Jian Kiln in mid-late Northern Song Dynasty is not by chance but is separable with the development of the social and humane environment and the culture of contending tea at that time .