
jiàn fánɡ
  • build housing
  1. 纳税人:我们是一家房地产公司,打算与另一家公司合作建房,想了解一下税收上的政策。

    Taxpayer : I am from a company engaged in development of real estate . Recently , we plan cooperate with a foreign company to build housing . I want to know how to pay business tax on it .

  2. 居民为制止新的建房开发计划正在全力以赴进行斗争。

    The residents are fighting tooth and nail to stop the new development .

  3. 建房前要先把地基垫平。

    The site must be levelled before it is built upon .

  4. 这条街的半数房屋正在拆迁,给新的邮局腾出(建房)空地。

    Half the houses in the street are being pulled down to make room for the new post office .

  5. 这个公司决定开发这块土地,供建房用。

    The company has decided to open up this area for business .

  6. 市长是否愿意谈谈为什么他投票反对新的建房规划?

    Would the mayor care to comment on why he voted against the new housing project ?

  7. 因此,当切尔西建房互助社(ChelseaBuildingSociety)宣布,自己因受抵押贷款欺诈之害,蒙受了巨额亏损时,几乎让人耳目一新。

    It was almost refreshing when the Chelsea Building Society announced large losses because it had been a victim of mortgage fraud .

  8. 与Wright的目标相反,许多房主都开始找专业承包人来建房。

    Counter to Wright 's goal , many homeowners turned to professional contractors for construction .

  9. 此项暴利税将适用于所有银行和建房互助协会,其中包括在英国运营、在整个欧盟(eu)地区都设有分支机构的企业。

    The windfall tax will apply to all banks and building societies , including groups that operate in the UK under a European Union branch system .

  10. 兰伯特指的是英国一些古老的建房互助会,包括北岩银行(NorthernRock)、Halifax和Bradford&Bingley。

    Mr Lambert referred to some of the old UK building societies , such as Northern Rock , Halifax and Bradford & Bingley .

  11. 劳森爵士举了古老的哈利法克斯建房互助社(HalifaxBuildingSociety)的例子。在鼎盛时期,该协会将储蓄从英国北部地区导向花费更随意的南方。

    Lord Lawson instances the old Halifax building society , which in its heyday channelled savings from the north of the UK to the more free-spending south .

  12. leparadis肯定是该国最大的在建房地产项目。

    Le Paradis is easily the largest scheme under construction .

  13. 英国金融服务局(financialservicesauthority)周一通知在英国开展业务的各大银行和建房互助会,必须“立刻采取行动”,确保在所有银行家的奖金方案中,将薪酬与长期风险紧密挂钩。

    The financial services authority on Monday told the biggest banks and building societies operating in the UK that they must take " immediate action " to ensure bonus plans for all bankers closely link rewards and long-term risk .

  14. 2012年末,碧桂园控股有限公司(CountryGardenHoldingsCo.Ltd)在马来西亚西部的新山市投资建房。据公司称,该项目最初获得了马来西亚、新加坡和中国买家的热烈反响。

    Guangzhou-based Country Garden Holdings first invested in Johor Bahru in West Malaysia in late 2012 and said it had ' received an overwhelming response ' from buyers from Malaysia , Singapore and China initially .

  15. 在肯尼亚首都内罗毕市非正式定居点胡鲁玛(Huruma)人口密集的KambiMoto,居民们正受到鼓励自己建房。

    In Kambi Moto – a densely crowded section of Huruma , an informal settlement in the Kenyan capital , Nairobi – residents are being encouraged to build their own homes .

  16. 然而,过去几年中,楼市仍然以这种白热化的速度突飞猛进。里昂证券(亚洲)(CLSA)驻香港地产分析师NicoleWong指出,2013-2020年间,三线、四线城市的建房速度需要下降一半,才能使供求关系稍稍回归平衡状态。

    But over the past few years , building has proceeded at such a blistering pace that Nicole Wong , a real-estate analyst in Hong Kong for CLSA , figures the pace of construction in third - and fourth-tier cities needs to fall by half between 2013 and 2020 to get supply and demand somewhat back in balance .

  17. 许多这些指南已建房项目,在末。

    Many of these tutorials have buildable projects at the end .

  18. 建房工程达到一定程度后,第三方账户中的现金才会转给开发商。

    The cash is paid out when construction reaches certain milestones .

  19. 房产用户已申请建房许可。

    The occupier of the premises has applied for planning permission .

  20. 我的邻居们正在一个接一个地建房

    In my neighborhood house be now be build one after another

  21. 在老厂址处建房的规划。

    A project for building houses where the old factory stood .

  22. 承包商开始在镇边废弃的上地上建房。

    Contractors have started building on waste land near the town .

  23. 我们建房之前把土面夯实。

    We rammed the soil flat before we built the hut .

  24. 测量员的报告寄存在建房互助会。

    The surveyor 's report was lodged with the building society .

  25. 他在同一个建房互助会中拥有着三个不同的账户。

    He holds three different accounts with the same building society .

  26. 建房互助会都推出高息存款来吸引新储户。

    The building societies are offering high-interest accounts to tempt new savers .

  27. 他主管该市建房计划。

    He is in charge of the municipal housing project .

  28. 但是,你可以砍下我的树枝来建房。

    But you can cut off my branches to build your house .

  29. 5000多年前,中国开始生产石灰用于建房。

    About 5,000 years ago , China started producing lime for construction .

  30. 你必须得到官方的建房许可。

    You have to get official permission to build a new house .