
jiàn ɡòu zhǔ yì
  • constructivism
  1. 基于Internet的网络教育给传统的大学化学教学带来了前所未有的冲击。本文运用现代建构主义教学理论为指导,以开发《有机化学》网络课程为例,提出了“情境-建构-创新”教学模式。

    The article , guided by the modern constructivism teaching theory , illustrated with the internet course of organic chemistry , suggested the situation-construction-innovation teaching mode .

  2. 通过介绍建构主义学习理论在Java语言教学中的应用,说明了在教学情境的创设方面的具体方法和技巧。

    It deals with the application of constructivism in Java teaching as well as methods and techniques in creating teaching scenes .

  3. CAI与建构主义理论

    CAI and Constructivism Theory

  4. E-Learning模式与建构主义学习环境

    The E-Learning Pattern and the Constructivism Learning Environment

  5. 基于建构主义的CSCW个性化的网络学习模型

    An Internet Personalized CSCW Learning-Model Based on Construction Theory

  6. 因而SSK又被称为社会建构主义。

    So SSK is also called " Social Deconstructionalism " .

  7. 建构主义教学理论(constructive)是西方教育心理学中较新的教学理论,它的主要教学模式有:支架式教学(scaffoldinginstruction)模式,其中包括:搭建支架、进入情景、独立探索、协作学习;

    Constructivism is the new education theory in the west education psychology . The main education model have the Scaffolding Instruction model , it include : construct trestle 、 enter sight 、 independent probe and cooperation study ;

  8. PBL以信息加工心理学和认知心理学为基础的,属于建构主义学习理论的范畴,是建构主义教学改革设想当中的“一条被广泛采用的核心思路”。

    Built on the base of information processing psychology and Cognitive psychology , PBL which is named as " a widely used core method " belongs to the category of constructivist learning theories .

  9. 建构主义是Webquest的理论基础,Webquest正是在网络环境下,以一定的任务作为驱动,促使学生对问题主动进行探究,完成对知识的主动建构的过程。

    Basing on the Internet , Webquest motivated students to carry out active investigation by certain task , and thus accomplish the process of active knowledge construction .

  10. 本文根据WebQuest学习模式及建构主义教育理论,设计了一种基于资源的教学方式。

    According to the learning mode based on WebQuest and the educational theory of constructivism , the thesis is a teaching plan and design based on the Internet resources .

  11. Moodle是基于社会建构主义教育理论的开放源码的课程管理系统,具有组织、呈现、管理和评价课程内容与教学活动的功能,帮助教师利用信息技术支持课程教学,建构促进有效教学的信息化环境。

    Moodle is an open-source course management system based on social constructivism . It works with the function to organise , present , manage and evaluate a course and its teaching procedures .

  12. 另外,本研究根据建构主义教学设计的思想设计了ESSC。

    Additionally , an ESSC model is designed in the research with the theoretical guidance of the Constructivist Learning Design .

  13. 以建构主义学习理论为基础,通过对新的学习环境下知识的界定和知识获取方式的研究,提出基于Web的知识建构支持系统(KCSS),以有助于个体知识和协作知识的建构。

    Based on the analysis of the definition of knowledge and the study of the way that people acquire knowledge in the new learning environment , web-based knowledge construction support system ( KCSS ) is advanced to assist both individual and collaborative knowledge construction process .

  14. Moodle是一款免费开源的功能强大的基于建构主义理论的课程管理系统,可以应用于教师或学生对在线课程的教学或学习中,还可以帮助教师建立在线的学习社区。

    Moodle is a free open-source Curriculum Management System whose function is powerful based on Constructivism Theory . It can be applied for teachers and students in teaching or learning online , and it also can help teachers create online learning community .

  15. 本文通过对人脑结构、建构主义学习理论、学生视听规律以及MCAI的自身特性的分析,从生理和心理角度上对MCAI促进物理观察能力培养的可行性予以论证。

    By analyzing the structure of human brain , the learning theory of constructivism , audio-visual law of the students , and the characteristics of MCAI , the paper demonstrates the feasibility that MCAI promotes the observation ability in physics from the physiological and psychological angles .

  16. 建构主义指导下的开放英语教学模式探讨

    Probe into Open English Teaching Pattern under the Guidance of Constructivist

  17. 建构主义教学理论与高中英语阅读教学

    A Constructivist Approach to the Teaching of Reading in Senior English

  18. 建构主义理论下的网络化学习模式探析

    Analysis of the web-based learning mode under the theory of constructivism

  19. 建构主义教学理论与英语教学改革的契合

    The Affinity Between Constructivist Teaching Theory and English Language Teaching Reform

  20. 基于建构主义学习观的研究生德育模式

    Mode of Moral Education for Post-graduates Based on Constructivist Learning View

  21. 而网络环境的交互性和丰富的实时情景性与建构主义理论的观点相吻合。

    Web based interaction and real time scene accords with constructivism .

  22. 基于建构主义理论的自动化专业电子技术实验教学改革研究

    The researching of electronic experiment teaching reforming based on constructivism theory

  23. 华侨华人认同与中国&一种建构主义分析

    The Identity of Overseas Chinese and China & A Constructivist Analysis

  24. 计算机基础教学中建构主义导-带-推教学模式研究与实践

    Study and Practice on the Constructive " Lead-Drive-Push " Teaching Mode

  25. 借鉴建构主义学习理论设置临床综合课程

    Utilizing the Constructivism Learning Theory for the Setting of Clinical Integrate Curriculum

  26. 分析指出建构主义学习论是信息技术与课程整合的理论基础。

    The paper points out that constructivism is the basis of ITTC .

  27. 建构主义理论在儿科护理学的教学实践

    Practice of applying construction theory in teaching nursing of children

  28. 建构主义教学观对教师教学行为的影响

    Teaching Theory of Constructivism and Its Influence on Teachers ' Teaching Behaviors

  29. 建构主义与基础课程改革的契合

    The Pedagogical Implications of Constructivism for the Reform of the Basic Courses

  30. 建构主义学习理论与教师角色创新

    Learning Theory of Constructivism and Innovation of Teachers ' Role