
  • 网络facade
  1. 稳重、典雅的建筑外立面色彩,即使若干年后看起来依然历久弥新。

    The sober and elegant colors of the building exterior facade will remain fresh even after several years .

  2. 介绍大连中山广场十大欧式建筑外立面照明设计思想、设计方案、照明方式、灯具、光源的选择,以及布灯思路、照明控制方式等。

    Lighting system design of external facade of ten European style buildings in Dalian Zhongshan Square are introduced , i.e.lighting design thoughts , design plan , lighting way , selection of luminaire and source , and luminaire arrangement thoughts and control way etc.

  3. 从两起火灾谈建筑外立面装修及外墙保温的消防问题

    Discussion on Fire-fighting of the Buildings ' External Decoration and External Thermal Insulation on Walls from Two Fires

  4. 通过对边节点和角节点数值模拟,得出可以减小节点隔板悬伸距离a的结论,方便了建筑外立面装修。

    The numerical analyses of edge joints and corner joints educe the conclusion that the exserted distance can be minished and the convenience for building elevation decoration .

  5. 华沙和布达佩斯的建筑外立面都没有抛光,可能掩盖这两座城市的些许魅力,而特拉维夫通常更有创造力,也比较不讲究正式。

    In both Warsaw and Budapest the non-polished fa ç ade of the cities can hide some of the charms , while Tel Aviv tends to be more creative and informal .

  6. 幕墙作为现代建筑外立面常用的墙体装饰材料,应满足风压变形、雨水渗漏、空气渗透、平面内变形、保温、隔热、防水、耐高温、耐撞击等要求。

    To be used as a modern facade of buildings , curtain wall decoration materials commonly should meet the requirements of wind pressure , water leakage , air infiltration , in-plane deformation , heat insulation , waterproof , high temperature , and impact-resistance .

  7. 花园内墙上肆意延伸的藤蔓植物不久之后便会将建筑的外立面围裹起来。

    The climber plants on the walls of the garden will , when grown , surround the extension .

  8. 支持创建的模式是通过结构框架元素,承载建筑的外立面,通过有趣的塔优雅的意见。

    The created pattern is supported through the structural frame elements , carrying the building 's fa ç ade and generating interesting elegant views through the tower .

  9. 砖红的双层屋面和墙体,富有节奏韵律的窗体和铁质大门,墙面上的工业用照明灯,在勾勒出建筑优美的外立面曲线的同时,也保持了其鲜明的工业痕迹。

    Two layer of wall with color of brick red , window and iron gate full of rhyme , industrial illuminant on the wall sketches the contours of beautiful fa ? ade and leave a striking trace of industry .

  10. 整个建筑因其强烈的建筑结构而充满现代感,从建筑的外立面便可看出,设计师对于高耸、细长以及线性的建筑结构情有独钟。

    The house is very modern with strong structural , architectural features . I like tall , long , linear architectural features , as you can see on the exterior of the house .

  11. 对建筑而言,窗户是一个灵动的点,它能够使整个建筑外立面看起来生动而又丰富。

    On the building , the window is a nimble point , it can make the entire building facade looks lively and rich .

  12. 介绍了以往商业建筑的模式,从形态、风格及广告设置形式三方面详细阐述了商业建筑外立面的变化,以促进商业建筑的发展,全面提升建设设计水平,从而改善城市形象。

    The modes of past commercial building are introduced . From form , style and publicity design the changes of the elevation of commercial building are elaborated in detail in order to promote the development of commercial buildings to improve architectural design level and the image of city .