
  • 网络Jianye;jianye district
  1. 大城市郊区不同户籍农户农业经营状况与条件差异研究&以南京建邺区为例

    A Study on the Agriculture Management Behavior Difference Different Census Register Peasant Households in Metropolitan Suburban Areas & A Case in Nanjing Jianye District

  2. 2005年10月,第十届全国运动会在南京召开,南京市建邺区作为主会场所在地,自然希望以良好的市容市貌迎接广大来宾。

    During October 2005 , the 10th national games was performed in nanjing , which region jianye was the main playing area , wishing to welcome the worldwide guests with the prefect city appearance .

  3. 以十运会为契机,推动建邺区市容管理长效化,并借此全面提升建邺区城市管理水平,这是本课题的研究目的。

    Taking the 10th national games as a good chance , The region jianye advances the city appearance management long-term and effective , and fully upgrades the city management level , which is the purpose of the thesis .