
  • 网络Architectural Renderings
  1. 室外建筑效果图的灯光处理

    Lamplight treatment of outdoor architectural effect blueprint Building and Blueprint

  2. 三维动画软件在建筑效果图中的应用

    The application of 3D animation software in the architectural design

  3. 近年来建筑效果图及三维动画已得到普遍应用。

    Recently effect drawing of building and three-dimensional animation get general application .

  4. 建筑效果图中的透视效应

    Perspective effect in the effect drawings of buildings

  5. 浅谈电脑建筑效果图制作的基本知识

    Elementary knowledge to create computer architecture pictorial drawing

  6. 手绘建筑效果图的不可替代性

    The irreplaceability of manual building effect picture

  7. 浅议建筑效果图的制作浅谈建筑效果图在建筑设计中的应用

    Design on Architecture Impact-map Discourse on the Usage of Architectural Renderings in Architectural Design Process

  8. 计算机建筑效果图的制作是技术与艺术的交融。

    Making the computer architecture effect chart is one kind of performance art , a combination of technique and art .

  9. 文中给出了利用该算法编制的三维图象处理程序三维透视效果图实例。建筑效果图中的透视效应

    This paper provides the program of three dimensional graph and the example of three dimensional penetrate picture with calculating method . Perspective effect in the effect drawings of buildings

  10. 建筑效果图为由计算机建模渲染而成的建筑设计表现图,可以逼真地模拟建筑及其设计建成后的效果。

    Building by computer modeling and rendering render the architectural design of figure into performance , can be realistic models and the design of the building after completion of the effect .

  11. 通过反复作图试验,得出画建筑效果图的透视阴影时,30°~40°的光线角度能增强建筑效果图美感的结论。

    In the paper we acquire a result by making experiments repeatedly . When making perspective shade and shadow , we can increase sense of beauty in architectural drawing by using height angle of ray between 30 ° and 40 ° .

  12. VR技术在建筑结构效果图中应用研究

    The application research of VR technology in effect drawing of architecture structure

  13. 建筑装饰效果图课件的设计与制作

    On the Designing and Making of the Courseware of the Decoration Result Drawing

  14. 用电脑制作建筑装修效果图包括三个过程:建模、渲染、后期处理.这种方法对于国际互联网上建筑装修时建筑材料的选取有着一定的实际意义。

    The procedure of completing architecture renderings with computer includes three steps : model , render and after-effect . This method is very useful for material selection of fitting up buildings on Internet .

  15. 文章提出了优质教材应具备的必要条件,并介绍了按照该必要条件编写《建筑绘图与效果图制作技法》与《土木工程测量》教材的实现方法。

    Writing excellent surveying teaching material Using Self-innovating Technology This paper introduces realizing method to compile two teaching materials according to these essential conditions .

  16. 园林古建筑写生和设计效果图

    Sketches and Design Perspectives of Ancient Garden Architectures