
  • 网络architectural expression;architectural rendering;architectural representation
  1. 电脑制图与建筑表现方法经验浅谈

    Talking about the Experiences of Computer-based Drafting and Architectural Expression Methods

  2. 混凝土饰面的建筑表现和技术

    The architectural expression and technology of concrete finishing

  3. 全文分三部分,第一部分主要通过对虚拟现实基本概念的介绍和对已有建筑表现应用研究的简要回顾,阐明VR作为建筑表现新手段的必要性与可行性;

    First , the basic concept of VR and review of the present research method of architecture presentation are introduced , it proves that VR is necessary and reliable to represent architecture as a new method .

  4. 由于ETFE膜轻质、透明,自洁性、耐久性好,建筑表现力强,可代替并超越玻璃成为一种理想的围幕材料。

    Due to its lightweight , transparency , good self-cleaning , durability and architectural expressive force , ETFE film can substitute glass to become an ideal kind of clading material .

  5. 新形势下建筑表现教学变革初探

    Initial Researches on the Teaching of Architectural Render under New Situation

  6. 绿化是建筑表现的一个重要内容。

    Virescence is one of important content of architectural illustration .

  7. 让学生熟悉设计中建筑表现图之应用。

    Familiarize students with the design of the application of building performance chart .

  8. 新形势下的建筑表现教学应进行改革。

    The teaching of architectural render should to be reformed under new situation .

  9. 首次将格式塔心理学引入数字化建筑表现艺术的研究。

    Introduced the Gestalt Psycology into the research on Digitizing Architectural Display Skill firstly .

  10. 首次对数字化建筑表现艺术作了较深入的系统研究。

    Researched deeply on Architectural Display Skill firstly .

  11. 信息化时代的建筑表现

    The Architectural Display Skill of Information Age

  12. 色彩&建筑表现解析

    Colors & to unscramble the building representation

  13. 社会经济观的演变及其建筑表现

    A study on the relationship between the concept of economic rationality and the appearance of Architecture

  14. 摘要本文探讨关于图书馆建筑表现形式符号的文化信息和精神含量。

    This article focus on the cultural information and spiritual ingredients of the architecture of library .

  15. 建筑表现着城市文化。

    Architecture represents urban culture .

  16. 建筑表现图中的人物

    Figures in Architectural Expression Pictures

  17. 办公楼建筑表现手法的几点思考

    Conception of office building architecture

  18. 建筑表现图的色彩

    Colour of Architectural Expressive Graphs

  19. 阐述了园林表现图制作与流行的建筑表现图的制作异同;

    The characteristics of park and garden effect drawing , and prevailing effect drawing of construction were differentiated .

  20. 并进一步指出,解构主义建筑表现出的强烈反叛精神,使其不能成为建筑发展方向中的主流。

    The strong treasonous spirit makes it impossible for Deconstructive Architecture to be the mainstream of architecture evolution .

  21. 数字技术发展到今天,给社会的方方面面带来了许多的变革,也因此而产生了为数众多的新鲜事物,数字化建筑表现艺术就是其中一例。

    Changes have taken placed because of the development of the Digital Technic , Digitizing Architectural Display Skill is one of them .

  22. 而数字化建筑表现艺术则不同,由于它较高的技术含量,在某种程度上也决定了它的评价要比其它传统艺术形式更为复杂。

    The Digitizing Architectural Display Skill is different because of it 's technical content and more difficult to evaluate in a degree .

  23. “再地方化”与象征资本&一个闽南回族社区近年来的若干建筑表现

    " Relocalization " and Symbolic Capital , An Essay on Architecture of Hui Nationality in South Fujian SONG DANDAN : LOVE AGAIN

  24. 曲面结构是与建筑表现密切相关的形状抵抗型空间结构。

    Free-form surface structure is closely related to the performance and construction of " the shape of the resistance-type " space structure .

  25. 不同的国家和地区,由于文化、政治和历史发展等诸多方面原因,行政建筑表现出不同的类型和特点。

    For different region , cultural , political , history and some other reason , administrative buildings present different form and feature .

  26. 我们的发展方向:以建筑表现为主导;多媒体表现为辅助;以全新概念的网络化为发展方向。

    Our aims are using architectural form as primary expressions and multi-media as supplementary methods to offer new concepts in modern network culture .

  27. 建筑表现图在注重科学性的前提下,要以美的色彩形象增强建筑设计方案的竞争力。

    Under the premise of strengthening science , the architectural expressive graphs use the beautiful colour character to highlight the competition of architectural design .

  28. 论文针对办公楼建筑表现手法提出了整体构思,对于存在的问题为在今后工作中起到了借鉴作用。

    This paper brings forward integer conception of office building architecture , it can be used for reference to solve the problem for the future .

  29. 水晶石公司专长于建筑表现领域,主要客户来自政府规划设计部门,建筑设计公司及房地产开发商。

    Crystal DT is specialized in metropolitan development , and its clients include planning & design departments of the government , design offices and real estate developers .

  30. 以刚性和柔性结构组合而成的杂交空间结构体系以其灵活的结构布置、良好的受力性能和富于建筑表现力而在现代大跨度建筑中得到日益广泛的应用。

    As a hybrid spatial structure combined with rigid and flexible components , it is widely applied for its various arrangement and beautiful shape with great mechanical ability .