
  • 网络Video clips;Video Editing;AVI;premiere
  1. 但是总体上讲,它们有些功能还无法与强大的PC相匹敌,比如视频剪辑、发烧游戏和编程。

    But in general , they don 't do everything that powerful PCs can do or not quite as well , such as video editing , hardcore gaming , programming .

  2. 这是无损视频剪辑,相当快速!

    This is lossless video editing , which is very fast .

  3. RationalPerformanceTester同使用一个可携式摄像机录制录制一段视频剪辑拥有相似的工作方式。

    Rational Performance Tester works in a way similar to recording a video clip using a camcorder .

  4. 在最近的几段视频剪辑中,梅根在发这样的R音的时候要比她一贯的美式口音轻一些。

    In recent clips , those Rs are lighter than the typical general American accent .

  5. 是包含图像、音频和视频剪辑的超文本文档以及其他通过Internet互联和访问的文件的集合。

    Is a collection of hypertext documents containing images , audio and video clips , and other files interlinked and accessed over the Internet .

  6. 观看关于BBC的气候变化实验的一个视频剪辑。

    View a video clip about the BBC Climate Change Experiment .

  7. RDF提供了一致的、标准化的方式来描述和查询Internet资源,资源从文本页面和图片一直到音频文件和视频剪辑。

    RDF provides a consistent , standardized way to describe and query Internet resources , from text pages and graphics to audio files and video clips .

  8. FlashPlayer非常适合在图形设计器中使用,简化了视频剪辑、时间线、横标广告等的创建。

    Flash Player as it exists now is well suited for graphics designers , simplifying how you create MovieClips , time lines , banner ads , and so on .

  9. 选择一个小型视频剪辑连接到ASF转换器。

    A mini video clip selector is attached to the ASF converter .

  10. 对ABC电视台的秋季促销和品牌形象宣传活动进行了深入的剖析研究,并观看一段60秒的网络黄金时段节目视频剪辑片段。

    Get an inside view behind the making of ABC TV 's fall promotional and brand image campaign , and watch a60-second spot that showcases the network 's prime-time shows .

  11. Sherrod以前是美国农业部驻佐治亚州农村发展办公室主任,直到后来YouTube上的一段关于她讲话的视频剪辑曝光,她被迫辞职。

    Sherrod used to be the USDA Rural Development Director for Georgia until a YouTube clip of her went .

  12. 这个套件安装完毕后,您将可以使用任何媒体播放器(仅限于由球员的能力),以播放DVD的,电影和视频剪辑的任何格式。

    With this package installed you will be able to use any media player ( limited only by the players capabilities ) to play DVD 's , movies and video clips of any format .

  13. 该系统可以随时从远程的DVR照相机上查看视频剪辑的日期和相关信息。

    The central station can look at the event dates and access the video clip remotely from the DVR by clicking on the camera icon next to the date .

  14. JeremiahMcDonald是一位居住在波特兰市的演员兼导演,他把自己12岁时录制的影片假装与现在的他对话的视频剪辑在了一起。

    Jeremiah McDonald , a filmmaker and actor who lives in Portland , Me . , stitched together footage of himself at age 12 with video from the present to simulate a conversation between the two .

  15. 然后他们听见曾在电台为福尔摩斯配音的约翰·吉尔古德(JohnGielgud)和西蒙·卡洛(SimonCallow)的声音,看到几十年前在电影和电视中饰演福尔摩斯的巴兹尔·拉思伯恩(BasilRathbone)和杰里米·布雷特(JeremyBrett)的视频剪辑。

    Then they hear the voices of actors like John Gielgud and Simon Callow who portrayed him on the radio , and see video clips of actors like Basil Rathbone and Jeremy Brett who played him decades ago on screen .

  16. 她肯定没想到这个视频剪辑会走红。

    She certainly did not expect the clip to go viral .

  17. 土耳其船只上有现场视频剪辑。

    There is a live streaming from the Turkish boat .

  18. 镜头长度的确定是视频剪辑工作中的一个重要内容。

    The lens length 's determination in video editing is an important content .

  19. 视频剪辑可以使可用性问题更加明显地呈现给设计者。

    Video clips can be used to highlight usability problems to the designers .

  20. 乔布斯用到了包括视频剪辑、样品展示和客串嘉宾。

    Jobs includes video clips , demonstrations and guests .

  21. 你的视频剪辑。很好。

    Ah , here 's your video montage .

  22. 在此处拖动视频剪辑或图片可将其添加到电影中。

    Drag a video clip or picture here to add it to your movie .

  23. 上面的视频剪辑展示了可乐这一有趣的玩法。

    The video clip above shows a great example of this fun use for coke .

  24. 研究者测量了该研究参与者看这两个视频剪辑之一的前后心情。

    Researchers gauged study participants'mood before and after showing them one of two video clips .

  25. 视频剪辑,就是图片幻灯,录像带什么的。

    Video montage.If there 's gonna be live pictures and , like , video footage .

  26. 这里有地方,你可以找到经典电影下载或流式视频剪辑。

    Here are places where you can find downloads or streaming video clips from classic films .

  27. 此外,你还可以把它设置成检测到动作的同时开始录制视频剪辑。

    You can set it up to record video clips when it detects motion , too .

  28. 他们刚刚还放了我的一段视频剪辑

    They just showed a video montage

  29. 重命名所选视频剪辑。

    Renames the selected video clip .

  30. 他们成长过程的视频剪辑?

    Video montage of their lives ?