
shì pín xiǎn shì
  • video display
  1. 一种基于FPGA的LED视频显示系统的设计

    Design of an LED Video Display System Based on FPGA

  2. 基于FPGA编程的视频显示时序的实现方法

    The Method of Realization on Video Display Timing Based on FPGA

  3. 这里是一个整洁的YouTube视频显示陀螺仪的旋转机制

    Here is a neat YouTube video showing the Gyro 's pivoting mechanism .

  4. 东京广播公司的视频显示,未开封的午餐盒和面包被扔进了一个巨大的垃圾桶,这在社交媒体和其他地方立即引起一片哗然。

    The broadcaster 's videos of untouched lunch boxes and bread getting chucked into a large bin on social media and beyond .

  5. 实验结束当天的社交媒体视频显示,志愿者在一片掌声中笑眯眯地从洞里出来了。为了保护长时间不见光的眼睛,志愿者都戴上了特制的太阳镜。

    Social media footage from the day shows the smiling volunteers emerging from the cave to a round of applause while wearing special sunglasses to protect their eyes after so long in the dark .

  6. 再次,为了对设计的视频显示格式转换电路进行验证,我们成功设计开发了电路的FPGA验证系统。

    In this paper we design a verification system for verification our design on FPGA .

  7. 大屏幕FED视频显示系统

    Larger screen FED video display system

  8. LED大屏幕与VGA同步彩色视频显示系统设计

    The Design of LED Large Screen Video Display System with Colour VGA Synchronous

  9. 当按Exit时,屏幕会返回正常的远端实时视频显示状态

    When you press exit , the screen return to normal live video display of the far end

  10. 新的视频显示,HIV可通过在细胞间直接转移来规避识别。

    The new video display , HIV can be transferred directly between the cells to circumvent the identification .

  11. 新闻门户网站Life的一则视频显示,一位村民正在室内的水龙头上接了一桶看起来浓稠、黝黑、黏黏的东东——显然是石油。

    A video on the Life news portal shows one villager filling a bucket from an indoor tap . What flows out is thick , black and viscous - unmistakably oil .

  12. 指控系统随机扫描方式CRT视频显示系统改装设计

    The Refitting Design of Random-scan CRT Display System in Command Control System

  13. 基于DVI接口的LED视频显示系统的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of LED Video Display System Based on the DVI Interface

  14. 随着视频显示技术的发展,3D立体显示技术及多视角显示技术已经逐渐的应用到日常消费领域。

    With the development of video display technology , 3D stereo display technology and multi-view display technology has been gradually applied to the field of daily consumption .

  15. 近日,一段上传到Facebook上的视频显示,一只小狗被染成了最流行的小精灵-皮卡丘的颜色。

    A viral video uploaded to Facebook of a dog dyed the colour of the popular Pokemon character , Pikachu .

  16. HDTV系统音视频显示时间标签同步生成和自适应交织策略

    Synchronal Creation and Self-Adaptive Interlace Strategy of Video and Audio Presentation Time Stamps in HDTV System

  17. YouTube上的视频显示这名男子用电动工具将其共同拥有的财产一分为二。

    A YouTube video shows him cutting their joint possessions in half with his power tools .

  18. HDTV视频显示缓存器管理方案

    HDTV Vided Display Buffer Management

  19. 研究气味传感器阵列的组成形式以及其采集到的数据,设计了传感器与DSP的接口数据采集电路以及视频显示接口电路。

    The form of smell sensor arrays and collected data were investigated , as well as the circuit of sensor and DSP and the circuit of video display interface .

  20. 合理构建视频显示终端(VDT)作业疲劳工间休息制度

    Reasonable Construction of Work-rest Schedule for VDT Work Fatigue

  21. 根据上传到YouTube的视频显示,这名驾驶员踉跄地通过机场安检口的金属探测仪。

    Footage posted on YouTube showed the pilot appearing to stagger through a metal detector at a security checkpoint .

  22. 新型数字机顶盒的视频显示及OSD

    Video Display and OSD of New Digital STB

  23. 与传统的二维(2D)视频显示相比,多视点视频由于增加了多个视点的信息及隐含的深度信息,能够给予观众很强的立体感和沉浸感。

    Compared with traditional 2D video , multi-view video can give the viewers 3D and immersive effect since it contained more video and depth information of the scene .

  24. 据挪威这家科技博客网站VidxHD泄露的图片和视频显示,新款iPhone将有2种大小。

    Based on leaked images and videos , like this one from Norwegian tech blogging site VidxHD , the new iPhone will come in two sizes .

  25. 社交网站facebook上的一段视频显示,在上周六抗议期间,支持穆萨维的一名年轻女士胸部中弹,这加剧了紧张气氛。

    Adding to the tension , footage on the Facebook networking site showed a young woman supporter of Mr Moussavi being shot in the chest during the Saturday protests .

  26. 一个视频显示,一个组织的女孩用胡椒喷雾朝纽约警察局的副检察员AnthonyBologna射击。

    One video surfaced of a group of girls shot with pepper spray by NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna .

  27. 目的探讨不同类型的视频显示终端(VDT)作业工间休息制度。

    Objective To investigate the break schedule for different types of visual display terminal ( VDT ) tasks .

  28. 下面,我们就来安装coLinux并配置连网特性和视频显示。

    Now on to the installation of coLinux and configuration for both networking and video display .

  29. 电视技术的高清晰度和数字化,要求与之相应的视频显示设备具有较高分辨率,而室外全彩色LED显示屏之类的特种显示设备因各种原因,难以达到这样的高分辨率要求。

    With the high definition and the digitalization of video technology , the corresponding video display apparatus should have a high definition , while special display apparatus such as outdoor true color LED panel can not achieve so high definition .

  30. 而在桌面计算机上,缺少相关的硬件,折中的办法是把GUI显示和视频显示分开,但该折中在全屏显示时失效。

    In the desktop computer , the lack of relevant hardware , a compromise approach is to separate the GUI display from video display , but the trade-offs failed when display in full-screen .