
  • 网络Pingliang;pingliang city
  1. 平凉市胡麻需水量研究

    A Study on Water Requirement of Flux Grown in Pingliang City

  2. 平凉市测土配方施肥取得的成效与体会

    Achievements and Experience of Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation in Pingliang City

  3. 平凉市小麦条锈病越夏菌源分布区域精准勘测及主要影响因子研究

    Distribution of the wheat stripe rust and the main influencing factors

  4. 平凉市农作物种植结构最优化方案研究

    Study on optimal scheme of crop planting structure in Pingliang

  5. 平凉市牧草生态气候适生种植区划

    The climate division of forage growth in Pingliang City

  6. 平凉市地质构造对水资源控制的评析

    Evaluation of the geological structure effect on water resources controls in Pingliang City

  7. 自此,平凉市的辖境再未有大的变动。

    Since then , the city 's jurisdiction throughout Pingliang not much change again .

  8. 环境同位素方法在平凉市岩溶地下水研究中的应用

    Application of the Environmental Isotope Technique to the Study of Karst Groundwater in Pingliang City

  9. 不平衡场在甘肃平凉市强对流天气预报中的释用

    Interpretation of Unbalanced Field in Forecast of Severe Convective Weather in Pingliang of Gansu Province

  10. 甘肃平凉市外资结核病项目的效果、效益评价及可持续控制对策

    Effectiveness and benefit evaluation of foreign investment tuberculosis control project and its sustainable countermeasures in Pingliang

  11. 平凉市仍为府治所。

    Pingliang City House legacy remains .

  12. 基于模糊聚类的区域旅游资源评价及开发对策研究&以甘肃省平凉市为例

    Fuzzy-cluster-analysis based evaluation of regional tourism resources and development countermeasures & A case study on Pingliang city

  13. 调查研究表明:平凉市高中生的口语表达能力整体水平较低。主要表现在:普通话发音不准;

    The research shows that the ability of oral expression of the students in PingLiang is low on the whole .

  14. 西部中小城市发展空间走廊的综合开发规划研究&以平凉市崆峒大道为例

    The comprehensive development planning on space passage in western small or medium city : The example of Pingliang Kongtong Road comprehensive development planning

  15. 1972~1978年为第二阶段,主要开展甘肃省平凉市的人工防雹研究。1980年至今为第三阶段,主要开展雹云物理、人工触发闪电及人工防雹技术研究。

    In second stage from 1972 to 1978 , the hailstorm physics , artificially triggered lightning , hail suppression from 1980 to present .

  16. 方法通过平凉市崆峒大道综合开发规划实证分析,探讨城市空间走廊综合开发规划的编制。

    Methods Discuss the workout of urban space passage development planning , the method for the comprehensive development case of Pingliang Kong tong Road .

  17. 平凉市位于陇山东麓,泾河上游,是关中西去北上的古道要冲;

    Pingliang City , Gansu is located in eastern foot , the upper reaches of Jinghe is related to the north of Western Road hub ;

  18. 不同的土地利用类型随梯度变化的空间格局并不唯一,人类活动对平凉市景观的影响依赖于土地利用格局和土地的利用类型。

    The spatial patterns of different land use types were not uniform along the gradient , and the landscape process affected by human activities depended on the land use pattern and its type .

  19. 分析结果显示平凉市在2000&2011年间的生态足迹的时间序列动态变化表现为人均生态足迹呈上升趋势而人均生态承载力增长缓慢,生态赤字逐年增大,已经超出了生态环境的承载能力。

    The results showed that the per capita ecological footprint increasing gradually , the per capita ecological capacity increasing slowly , the ecological deficit increasing year by year , and it has far exceeded the ecological environment capacity .

  20. 新中国成立初期,在极其艰苦的条件下,平凉市各级党政组织大力兴办教育,入学人数不断增多,受教育面迅速扩大,成效极为显著。

    In the first period when the People 's Republic of China was founded , the Party and the Government of Pingliang City initiated education energetically in spite of difficult situation , so the school population and the number of the educated increased continuously and quickly .

  21. 庆阳位于甘肃省东部,与平凉市一起合称陇东。佛教自东汉沿丝绸之路传入中原,一度沿着秦直道向北方地区传播。

    Qingyang locates in the east of Gansu province , along with the Pingliang collectively known as " Longdong . " Buddhism was introduced into the central plains along the silk road since the Eastern Han dynasty , once spreaded to the northern region along the Qin straight .

  22. 如平凉周报所报道的那样,在甘肃省平凉市,一些红娘收取彩礼钱的5%到10%作为佣金。

    As Pingliang Weekly reported , in Pingliang , Gansu , some match-makers demand 5 to 10 percent of the bride price as commission .