
pínɡ jūn fǎnɡ wèn shí jiān
  • average access time
  1. 实验结果表明,与典型的随机放置算法和CRUSH相比,FDPA的平均访问时间更低,平均无故障时间更长。

    Simulation results confirm that the average access delay of FDPA is reduced , and the mean time to failure is increased , comparing to the random placement strategy and the CRUSH method .

  2. 通过分析一个日志文件,网站管理员能找出访客总数、平均访问时间长度和最流行的目的地或网页。

    By analyzing a log file , a site manager can find out the total number of visitors , average length of each visit , and the most popular destinations , or Web pages .

  3. 实验结果表明,存储系统中的热点区域一般是比较稳定的,而实现了设备间的数据动态调整后,对虚拟盘的平均访问响应时间可缩短23%。

    The experiments show that the hot regions in the storage system are quite steady , and after the dynamic adjusting between devices , the average response time of virtual disks can be reduced by 23 % .

  4. 实验证明:该策略既能优化平均调谐时间,又能使平均访问时间保持在合理范围内,实现了访问时间与调谐时间之间更好的折中。

    Experimental results show that the algorithm not only achieves the optimal tuning time , but also keep access time within a reasonable limit , achieved the better compromise between access time and tuning time .

  5. 存储设备/介质基本参数指标比较包括平均介质装/卸载时间、平均读写率、平均访问时间、平均数据传输率、以及驱动器/存储介质价格和系统兼容性。

    Parameters comparing for storage devices / media is implemented on load / unload time , read / write time , access time , data transfer rate , price and compatibility .

  6. 索引树的结构决定了平均访问索引节点的数目,但是即使对于相同的索引结构,如果采用不同的广播序列,则平均访问时间也不尽相同。

    The structure of the index tree decides the average index number to be visited , but even regarding the same index structure , the average visit time is different if the broadcast sequence is different .