
  1. 买家在淘宝上搜索商品时,卖家的广告会出现在搜索结果页面上,这与谷歌的广告模式相似。

    Much as with Google Inc. , the ads from merchants appear with Taobao 's product-search results .

  2. 登陆中国最大的网上购物网站淘宝,搜索一下网络议价师,会显示2186条搜索结果。

    A search for " net bargainer " on taobao . com , China ` s largest online shopping website , gives 2,186 search results .

  3. 在淘宝上搜索“陈潇的剩余人生店”,就能看到陈潇一张张漂亮的照片。

    By inputting'Chen Xiao 's online store of remaining life'on taobao . com , potential customers are greeted with impressive shots of beautiful Chen Xiao .

  4. 淘宝网等垂直搜索引擎和站内搜索异军突起,在品牌信息推荐中扮演越来越重要的作用。

    Taobao and other vertical search engines rise vigorously and have a more important role in brand information recommendation .

  5. 到本周一为止,“欧洲杯”一直是淘宝上的热门搜索词之一,该词的搜索量达到5.4万次之多。

    The term " European Cup " was firmly on Taobao 's list of " hot topics " by Monday , with the search term showing up more than 54000 times .

  6. 作为中国最大的网上购物平台——淘宝网,据淘宝上周的搜索量排行显示,避孕套,在几个深受雾霾影响的城市中搜索量有所上升。

    According to search ratings for last week provided by Taobao.com , China 's largest online shopping platform , searches for condoms were clearly correlated with those Chinese cities that had heavy smog .