
  • 网络Elimination method;Test & Removal method
  1. 淘汰法求解孔廓最大包容圆的数值计算

    The numerical calculation for solving the maximum included circle inside OUTLINE-HOLE by elimination method

  2. 为处理真彩色图像,本文提出了对多维向量的中值滤波法&淘汰法。

    To process true - color image , this paper advances " elimination method ", the median filter method for polydimensional vector data .

  3. 介绍了防止硫酸盐还原菌腐蚀的几种措施,论述了硫酸盐还原菌与脱氮硫杆菌的生物竞争淘汰法防止SRB腐蚀的可行性。

    The measures for the protection of SRB corrosion were introduced . The flexibility to prevent SRB corrosion by biologic competition and elimination of SRB and bacillus of desulfurization and denitrogenation was described .

  4. 这就是进化的淘汰法,对吧?

    This is how evolution works , right ?

  5. 采用独立淘汰法选择出优良家系17个,树高、胸径和材积遗传增益达到5.6%、11.5%和28.2%。

    10 super families are selected on the basis of independent eliminative method , with their genetic gains out of height , DBH and stock volume reaching 5.6 % , 11.5 % and 28.2 % , respectively .

  6. 用材积和木材密度两性状构建的指数进行选择,选出的无性系是材积比较大、密度比较高的优良无性系,与独立淘汰法选出的无性系有66.7%是相同的;

    Selected with the index of volume and wood density , the clones with fast growth and high density were bred , which was the same of 66.7 % as that was selected with the independent knocking-out selection .

  7. 针对人事考核中的阻力,为克服偏差,服务于组织的长期发展,可实行对模型加以修正的末位淘汰法,以达成合作策略。

    In order to reduce the deviation and serve the long-term development , the paper combines with the obstacles in the personnel examination to create the method & eliminate the end location to revise the scheme of the model how to reach the cooperative tactics .

  8. 本文对常见的一些方法进行了比较研究,阐述了绝对偏差法和序贯淘汰水平法(SEL)与其它评价方法和优化方法相比的优势所在和不足之处。

    The paper compares and studies some common methods , explains what the advantages and shortcoming are in SEL and absolute-bias approach compares with the other estimating method and optimizing method .

  9. 参数设计的综合调节变量法与序贯淘汰因子法

    A Synthetical Method for Parameter Design with Adjustable Variables and Sequential Elimination of Factors

  10. 并最终形成了逐步淘汰成本法,推广使用收益法,培养期权法意识的结论。

    Generalizing the use of Income method and developing the sense of using Option Pricing method .

  11. 比较了逐项选择法、独立淘汰水平法、估计指数法和基本指数法四种不同选择方法的选择效率。试验表明,指数选择法最为有效,基本指数法和估计指数法同样有效。

    The results of this study indicate : ( 1 ) Index selection is more efficient than tandem selection or independent culling levels .