首页 / 词典 / good

  • wash in a pan or basket;rinse;clean out;dredge
  • naughty
  • 用水洗去杂质:~米。~金。~汰。

  • 挖浚,从深处舀出泥沙、污物:~井。~缸。

  • 耗费:~神。


(在水或其他液体中搅荡, 除去杂质) wash in a pan or basket; rinse:

  • 淘米

    wash rice;

  • 一些老矿工仍旧在这些河里淘金。

    Some old miners are still panning for gold in the streams.


(舀出污水等) clean out; dredge; ladle out; scoop:

  • 淘井

    dredge a well;

  • 淘茅房

    remove night soil from a latrine;

  • 淘阴沟

    clean out a drain [sewer]


(耗费) tax; trouble:

  • 淘神

    be a tax on one's mind; bother one's brain about sth.


[方] (顽皮) naughty:

  • 你对他应更严格, 他太淘了。

    You ought to be stricter with him. He's very naughty.

  1. 你对他应更严格,他太淘了。

    You ought to be stricter with him . He 's very naughty .

  2. 这孩子特淘。

    The child is very naughty .

  3. 动作快的人能够在1月份的打折中淘到最便宜的东西。

    Early birds can get the best bargains in the January sales .

  4. 每年他们淘出大约1.5吨金子。

    Every year they panned about a ton and a half of gold .

  5. 美国消费者习惯淘一些便宜货。

    American consumers are accustomed to hunting out bargains .

  6. 米已经淘了三过儿了。

    The rice has been washed for three times .

  7. 反季淘指的是为了省钱而在反季大减价的时候购买衣服,在夏季买冬衣或在冬季买夏装。

    Off-season shopping describes purchasing winter clothing in summer or the other way around to save money in big off-season discounts .

  8. 证据B。你戴的眼镜,他在网上淘了两个小时。

    Exhibit " B. .. " those glasses ... two hours on eBay .

  9. 马克:淘呢。但我父母给了我足够多的维他命N京晶:再说一遍?

    But my parents gave me plenty of vitamin N. Come again ?

  10. 利用噬菌体展示技术对突变库进行4轮富集筛淘及ELISA鉴定;以ELISA方法测定所获阳性克隆的特异性。

    Hepatoma cell-specific scFvs were selected after four rounds of panning by phage display and ELISA detection .

  11. 那些可是我和brian从旧货市场里淘回来的。

    Brian and I got those at a flea market .

  12. 外着中古店淘来的二手衣服搭配LV最新款的纸袋。

    Outside the middle of second-hand clothes shop to match the latest LV bag .

  13. 我记得她喜欢听音乐,所以我送给她一些淘儿音乐城的CD优待券。

    I remember that she likes to listen to music , so I 'm sending her a few CD coupons from Tower Records .

  14. 谷歌又开发一项新的APP啦,能够不必花费好几个小时来淘自己想要的服装。

    With a new app from Google , finding outfit inspiration will no longer require hours of scouring the internet .

  15. 将纯化的目的蛋白包被于聚苯乙烯平皿上作为靶蛋白,经过4轮淘筛,得到能够与IRS-1的PH结构域相结合的重组噬菌体克隆;

    The purified-protein-coated polystyrene plate was used to screen recombinant phages that could bind onto it .

  16. 以该融合蛋白为固相抗原,对噬菌体抗体库进行3轮淘筛,并对所获阳性克隆进行抗原结合活性测定和DNA序列测定。

    Specific antibody was screened by 3 rounds of panning of phage antibody library with the fusion protein . The antigen binding activity and DNA sequences of positive clones were determined and analyzed .

  17. 用整合素ανβ3抗原进行三轮的淘筛,经间接ELISA和竞争抑制实验证实,获得了3个与亲本鼠单抗识别相同的抗原表位且能够与整合素ανβ3特异结合的克隆。

    After 3 round of panning against human integrin ανβ 3 , indirect ELISA and competitive inhibition ELISA studies showed that 3 clones had the same specifity as the parental mAb .

  18. 结合高密度蛋鸡叠层笼养工艺在海口地区的实际应用,对实验舍蛋鸡的产蛋率、死淘率等生产性能指标进行了研究。House的基本营养成分和硝酸盐含量进行了测定分析。

    In the view of the practical application of stacked cage rearing laying hen technology in Haikou , some performance tests had been made in a stacked cage laying house such as laying rate , death rate and so on .

  19. 因时尚风格和高低端品牌混搭风格而饱受赞誉的45岁的米歇尔·奥巴马将美国服装品牌J。克鲁列为淘货的最佳去处。

    Michelle Obama , 45 , who has won acclaim for her fashion style and mixing high and low-end pieces , cited American clothier J.Crew as a good spot to bag bargains .

  20. 该文还提供了其他数据,旨在表明日本人对CD是如何情有独钟。它指出,日本全国仍有85间淘儿唱片连锁店,去年的销售额高达5亿美元。

    The article offers other statistics that purport to show the Japanese love for CDs , noting that there are still 85 Tower Records stores in the country that pulled in $ 500 million in business last year .

  21. 这是我在约翰内斯堡(Johannesburg)淘到的,当地人说我们人类的始祖来自非洲,她可以代表整个人类的母亲。

    I picked it up in Johannesburg . They say we all come from Africa and she could be the mother of all humanity .

  22. 在一家小餐馆吃完午餐后,Adele前往了一家古董衣的专卖店淘货。最近英国的气温有所上升,但是Adele依然戴了一顶毛茸茸的帽子。之前她也在自己的twitter上show过这顶帽子。

    And despite the relatively mild temperatures , Adele was still in winter mode with her furry hat , which she previously showed off in a Twitter photo after buying it in January .

  23. 日前,阿里巴巴正在扩宽线上线下服务,并推出了手机客户端喵街,这款app能够让消费者了解一系列销售活动,并以60亿人民币投资创建订餐客户端淘点点。

    Alibaba has recently sought to expand in the so-called online-to-offline business with the rolling out of an app called Miaojie which tells consumers about sales and a 6 billion yuan investment in the meal booking app Taodiandian .

  24. 如今的美国人若要买辆新车,通常会上一些比价网站来淘最好的价格,诸如AutoTrader,Edmunds和eBay等。

    AMERICANS looking for a new car nowadays often use online price-comparison sites such as AutoTrader , Edmunds and eBay to find the best deal .

  25. 添加酵母铬可使海兰灰种母鸡的死淘率下降,处理组与对照组相比差异极显著(P<0.01),0.4mg/kg组死淘率最低,但各处理组间差异不显著。

    Adding yeast chromium could obviously decrease the mortality and cull rate of all the treatment groups ( P < 0.01 ) . The 0.4mg/kg group had the lowest mortality and cull rate , but there was no differences among all the treatments .

  26. 左、右岸防淘墙厚3m,墙顶高程200m,最大墙深40m,处于坝下常水位以下,采用预应力锚索将墙体与岸坡岩体锚固。

    The scour prevention walls on both banks are 3 m thick , with maximum depth of 40 m and the crest elevation of 200 m , submerged under the downstream normal water level and anchored with rock slope by prestressed cables .

  27. 凯西·弗雷斯顿说她最爱的淘货地点是TargetT品牌店,艾丽西亚·凯斯推荐巴尼时装店的仓库特卖,而利齐·蒂施则青睐易趣网。

    Kathy Freston said her bargainhunting favorite was TargetT , Alicia Keys said Barney 's warehouse sale , and Lizzie Tisch named eBay .

  28. 经观测,洪水期10~20m宽生长茂密、半淹没灌木防护林带,可平息60~70cm高波浪,减少堤坝淘刷29%,减少堤坝水土流失173m3/km。

    Observations show that during flood period , 10 ~ 20 m wide shelterbelts composed of dense shrubs drowned half can level down waves 60 ~ 70 cm high . and decrease in lashing dikes and dams by 29 % and in soil erosion by 173 m3 / km .

  29. 2006年,阿莫鲁索刚刚从摄影学校退学,她以自己对陈年衣服的热爱创办了一家小公司,在前男友旧金山公寓的卧室里用一台Mac笔记本电脑运营。她倒卖eBay上淘到的重要物件,并通过NastyGal的Myspace页面推广。

    In 2006 , Amoruso had just dropped out of photography school . She turned her passion for vintage clothes into a small business , run from her Mac laptop in her bedroom of her ex-boyfriend 's San Francisco apartment , reselling key finds on eBay and promoting them via Nasty Gal 's Myspace page .

  30. 当我在博洛尼亚读书时,曾从路边摊上淘到一本MilanoinBocca。因为觉得他会比我更用得着(我永远都不会用到它),我把这本书寄给了他。

    I had Milano in Bocca , picked up from a street vendor when I was a student in Bologna , and , thinking he would use it more than I did ( which was never ), I mailed it to him .