首页 / 词典 / good

  • Spat;spit;expectorate
  • 用力从嘴里吐出来:~一口痰。

  • 唾人以表示鄙斥。

  • 尝,小饮:“不~酒。”

  • 表示轻蔑的声音:~,这有什么了不起!


(用力吐出来) spit; expectorate:

  • 啐他一口

    spit at him;

  • 啐在某人脸上

    spit in sb.'s face

  1. 那伙人也想过要揍他,但最后只是啐了他一口。

    The gang thought of hitting him too , but decided just to spit

  2. 他们走时,思嘉还真想啐他们一口。

    As they drove off , Scarlett had the impulse to spit at them .

  3. 她朝他脸上啐了一口,然后走了出去。

    She spat in his face and went out .

  4. 苔丝狄蒙娜啊,啐!你这毁谤女人的家伙!

    Desdemona . O , fie upon thee , slanderer !

  5. 威利看了他一眼,朝身旁啐了一口。

    Willie looked at him and spat over the side .

  6. 如果你把食物嚼啐一点,食物就能消化得更快。

    Your food will digest more quickly if you chew it well .

  7. 他又啐了口吐沫,这回却没有那么神气了。

    He spat again , this time with less authority .

  8. 她往地上啐了一口唾沫,因为连这名字都是臭的。

    She spat on the ground , for the very name tasted bad .

  9. 她向他[他的脸上]啐了一口唾沫。

    She spat at him / in his face .

  10. 发出啐唾沫的声音以示愤怒

    Make a noise like spitting to show anger

  11. 他朝那人脸上啐了一口唾沫。

    He spat in the man 's face .

  12. 他往那个人的脸上啐唾沫。

    She spat in the man s face .

  13. 那就滚罢。他对她啐了口唾沫。

    Then go , he spit at her .

  14. 他望望两排农民,朝地上啐了一口唾沫。

    He looked at the double line of peasants and he spat on the ground .

  15. 我真想啐你的脸!

    I could spit in your face !

  16. 下来,马上下来。可他们只是啐他。

    Come down , you come down right now , and then they just spit .

  17. 他啐了一口唾沫,让唾沫打在轿车的后门上,然后走开。

    He spat so that the spittle hit the back door of the sedan and walked away .

  18. 但猫却不懂得开玩笑,起身猛地向强盗的脸上扑去,又是啐又是抓。那强盗吓了一大跳,急忙撤腿就往门外跑。

    But the cat didn 't think this was funny and jumped into his face , spitting , and scratching .

  19. “唔,我相信你的话,”那中士好心地说,然后啐口唾沫走开了。

    " Oh , I 'll take your word ," said the sergeant good-naturedly , spitting again as he turned away .

  20. 艾迪:我说詹姆斯,若人们恨你、贬你、啐你不为别的,只为你的长相,你会做何反应?

    Eddie : Do you know what it does to you , James ? When you 're hated , picked on , spit on , just cause of the way you look .

  21. 仔细聆听男低音歌手独唱的录音,你会间或听到这种噪音:每个音符都伴有一个杂音“啐”,并且这个杂音只在两个音符之间闪现。

    You can sometimes hear it if you listen carefully to a recording of a bass solo , where each note is accompanied by a " pfft " sound that disappears between the notes .

  22. 我是不应该哈着腰说:'先生,上个礼拜三您啐过我,又有一次你把我叫狗,为了报答您的客气我会借给你钱。

    Shall I bend low and say : Sir , you spit upon me on last Wednesday , another time you called me dog , and for such politeness I am to lend you money .

  23. 以前很唯物的我,恨不能把此理论的始作俑者摔在地板上,痛踩几脚碾碎其成仙成泥,然后啐一口不屑的离去。

    Before my very materialistic , Hen Buneng the initiator of this theory threw on the floor , crushing pain in foot Jijiao into the mud of their immortality , and then spit a disdain 's departure .

  24. 可是尤斯塔斯却苦着脸,吐啊啐啊,又呕了起来,又放声大哭,还问人家有没有丰树牌加维生素的营养食品,能不能用蒸馏水来调制,他还死乞白赖硬要人家到下一站就把他送上岸去。

    But Eustacemade faces and spluttered and spat it out and was sick again and began to cry again and asked if they hadn 't any Plumptree 's Vitaminized Nerve Food and could it be made with distilled water and anyway he insisted on being put ashore at the next station .

  25. 后来,甘斯学会了对于种种恶意挑衅漠然视之,就算有对手戏谑他是“133磅的黑肥肉”,就算在拳击场角斗时对手向他脸上啐唾沫,他也绝不动怒。

    In consequence , Gans learnt to remain impassive in the face of the most egregious provocations : even , for instance , when one opponent called him " 133 pounds of black meat " and when another spat in his face as they squared up in the centre of the ring .