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  • buy wholesale
  • wholesale
  • 整,整数:~批。~卖。

  • 整批地买进:~货。现~现卖。

  1. 船舶靠趸力计算方法的研究

    Researches on Calculation of Ship 's Berthing Force to a Wharfboat

  2. 投资连结寿险有两种缴费形式,分别为趸缴保费和年缴保费,本文对这两种形式的投连险的定价分别进行了研究。

    The equity-linked policies have two payment forms , which are single premium and periodical premium respectively .

  3. 针对商业养老保险,建立了若干种养老保险模型,并利用精算数学的方法给出了这些模型的趸缴及年缴均衡净保费的计算公式。

    Some kinds of endowment models for insurance are built up and the calculating formula of net single premium and net annual premium of these models are presented .

  4. 警方相信,大部分失窃的豪华房车是利用货柜经陆路运返内地,而部分则用沙趸从水路偷运。

    Most of the stolen luxury vehicles were believed to have been smuggled into the Mainland overland by containers , although some were smuggled by sea using sand barges .

  5. 所以对于中年组的成员来讲,可在缴费时趸缴捐纳金,金额为积累15年的积累额。

    So , speaking for the middle-aged members of the group can accept donations to pay fees at wholesale payments , the amount of accumulated 15 years of accumulated amount .

  6. 即付寿险与年末给付寿险趸缴模型的推广最初,任何一个行业的核心拥趸都会嘲笑这种自讨苦吃的做法。

    Extending on the Net Single Premium Model between Immediate Paying and Paying at the End of the Year after Dying Initially , the " core " of any industry will scoff .

  7. 第三章介绍了保费、精算现值的概念,并对主要险种的趸缴纯保费、均衡纯保费的计算进行了详细的总结。

    Chapter Three : Third chapter introduces the concept of the premium and the actuarial present value , as well as make the detailed summary to the main kind of insurance that the pure insurance premium and the balanced pure insurance premium .
