
táo jīn zhě
  • gold digger
  1. 他们偶然来到一个居住着一位狡诈的淘金者的废墟之城。

    They stumble across a ghost town inhabited by a rascally gold prospector .

  2. 玛吉·内尔森(MaggieNelson),《淘金者》(TheArgonauts,灰狼出版社[Graywolf])

    Maggie Nelson , " The Argonauts " ( Graywolf )

  3. 这个市场并不轻松,报告作者之一、麦肯锡驻上海的马克斯•马格尼(MaxMagni)表示:中国仍然是一个金矿,但现在它已被成千上万的淘金者发现。

    This is not an easy market , says Max Magni of McKinsey in Shanghai , one of the authors . China is still a gold mine , but now there are thousands and thousands of miners that have discovered it .

  4. 然后三英尺深,那个后来的淘金者发现了金子。

    And three feet deeper , the new owner struck gold .

  5. 他被报界描写成一个淘金者和投机者。

    He was portrayed in the press as a gold-digger and adventurer .

  6. 淘金者们在山脚陷入大雨围困,结果活活饿死。

    Prospectors cut off by rains in the foothills , starved to death .

  7. 不出一年,十万名狂热的业余淘金者涌至内华达山麓。

    Within a year , 100000 desperate amateur prospectors flood the Sierra foothills .

  8. 有些男人认为所有的女人都是淘金者。

    Some men think all women are gold diggers .

  9. 那位淘金者立桩标出他的地界。

    The gold miner staked out his claim .

  10. 几千的希望暴富的淘金者穿过阿拉斯加到育空地区。

    Thousands of gold seekers traveled to the Yukon through Alaska hoping to get rich .

  11. 古建筑里的艺术淘金者

    Fortune-maker in Ancient Building Arts

  12. 据中国官员称,被扣留的大多数非法淘金者都没有签证和工作及居住许可。

    Chinese officials said most of those detained were mining illegally without visas , work and residency permits .

  13. 最后,提供信贷用来购买定价高得疯狂的股票,更像是把挖土设备借给淘金者。

    Finally , offering credit to buy wildly overpriced stock is more akin to loaning the prospectors earth-moving equipment .

  14. 他还说,加纳从四个富金矿突袭逮捕了非法淘金者,并准备将其遣返回国。

    Ghana is expected to repatriate the miners who were arrested in raids in four mineral-rich regions , he says .

  15. 但是淘金者要当心:安立奎说他能一眼看出你空间是喜欢他本人呢,还是喜欢他的名气。

    But gold diggers beware : he says he can tell whether someone is interested in him or in his fame .

  16. 译文:但淘金者仍纷至沓来。有200艘船只被遗弃在了旧金山港,弃船人员向山区匆匆进发。

    TEXT : But still the people come.200 abandoned ships in San Francisco harbor , the crews deserting , rushing for the hills .

  17. 接下来,他会像过去的淘金者一样,用筛分法拣出沉在底部的金粒。

    Then he pans it , just like the old days , shaking the tub of dirt so that the gold sinks to the bottom .

  18. 棕红闪耀的金沙就象淘金者的法宝一样,最能匡助刷新机遇,并且能无形中吸引命中注定的朱紫到来。

    Palm red sparkle sands like gold , most of the baby can help refresh opportunities , and can potentially attract destined to have arrived .

  19. 我在你的眼睛的阴影里看到你的心灵,就像在那溪水的阴影里,淘金者看到黄金。

    I look and see your heart in the shadow of your eyes , as a seeker sees the gold in the shadow of the stream .

  20. 然而,许多早期的淘金者很快就收拾行囊匆匆离开了。他们视越南为一个贫困潦倒、布满战争伤疤的穷乡僻壤,拘泥于马克思主义意识形态,无法提供一个适合发展的商业环境。

    Plenty of early prospectors soon packed their bags , dismissing Vietnam as an impoverished , war-scarred backwater too entrenched in Marxist ideology to provide a suitable business environment .

  21. 许多年来,他千方百计要把那些淘金者从他的那块宝地上赶走,好让他的一家独享这里的财宝,但他的家业被毁了。

    For years he tried to evict the prospectors from his property so that his family might enjoy the wealth of his land , but his business was ruined .

  22. 幸运的是,有一个毛发比它还要粗硬、灰白和乱蓬蓬的生物和它做朋友——由哈里森·福特饰演的淘金者。

    Luckily for him , he is befriended by the only creature in the area more gruff , grizzled and hairy than he is - a prospector played by Harrison Ford .

  23. 在美国“淘金热”时期,golddigger(“淘金者”,即以色相博取钱财的人,也就是我们俗称的“傍大款”)这个说法开始流行。

    The term " gold digger " became popular during the American Gold Rush .

  24. 镐,淘金盒和铁锨等工具的单价,从区区几美分涨到10美元早餐的花费比东部贵上10倍,但淘金者仍纷至沓来。

    Now , hand - panning is replaced by lines of sluice boxes desperately combing for anything the first prospectors missed . And the price of living rocket . Picks , pans , shovels go from a few cents to $ 10 a piece . Breakfast costs ten times what it does back East . But still the people come .