
  1. 对整治三小场所及出租屋消防安全隐患的思考体育赛事隐性市场透析及其消解策略研究

    The Reflection on the Fire Risk of Narrow-space Places and Rooms Rent Sports Events Ambush Marketing and Its Digestion Countermeasures

  2. 近年来,多层商住楼发展迅速,在其给建筑开发商带来经济效益与方便住户消费的同时也带来了许多消防安全隐患。

    In recent years , multilayer business-residential buildings which are rapidly developed have brought economic benefits to the developers and convenience to household consumers .

  3. 城市和公园的主人发表声明表示,清理公园是因为对于在公园内扎营的人存在“越来越多的健康和消防安全隐患”。

    A statement by the city and the park 's owner said the facility was being temporarily evacuated because of an " increased health and fire safety hazard " to those camped in the park .

  4. 诺顿说自由女神像之所以一直关闭是因为消防和安全隐患太多,而且出口太少。

    Norton said the statue has remained closed because it had too many potential fire and security problems and too few exits .

  5. 预见其患则可及早防范。非完全自灌式消防系统的安全隐患和防治措施

    The hidden dangerous and prevention measures of incompletely automatic tank fill fire extinguishing system

  6. 在总结建筑消防经验教训的基础上,分析了主要的消防安全隐患问题,提出了消防监督管理应采取的有效措施。

    On the summarizing the fire controlling experience and analyzing the reasons , authors put forward several effective ways in management of fire control .